US Foreign "Aid" Since 1946

1 month ago

Now that DOGE is in charge of finding corruption and money laundering take another look at this!

Remember that the UNITED STATES was a Corporation, owned by the CITY OF LONDON CORPORATION, and the Vatican. This was due to the Organic Act of 1871. This is why the UK was a big beneficiary as the UK owned the US. Israel then became more prominent, and Israel used taxpayer cash to past for perpetual wars for a rogue STATE OF ISRAEL, who together with the CITY OF LONDON and the VATICAN bled the American taxpayers for all they are worth. A man called Donald John Trump reversed the Act of 1871, with help from key people such as Russel-Jay Gould, and many other fine patriots. Israel has cause extreme harm to America, as Israel has done to many other countries.

Saving Israel to last... payback for 9-11 (45-47)

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