E.3 Knight's Armor: Loss of Faith

1 month ago

Keith and the Knights are back! Join us today for Episode 3: Loss of Faith, with 4 brother Knights from Holy Name of Jesus Cathedral Raleigh @holynamenc - Clyde, Sanso, Mark, and Tom discuss the difficult issue, Loss of Faith. Whether cradle Catholic or newborn Catholic, you may have had low points in life when you moved away from God. Siblings or family members may no longer be practicing the Faith, and even your children may have turned away from the Church. What can you do?

🐎Find out more with the Knights today, after the 3PM Divine Mercy Chaplet. LISTEN at 540AM divinemercyradio.org/listen, in-app DivineMercyRadioNC, or find the podcast via your favorite streaming app or archived at divinemercyradio.org/localprograms

#dmrnc #knights #knightsofcolumbus #LossOfFaith #WithGodAllThingsArePossible

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