Dorm Zombies (A Short Film)

1 month ago

This is my freshman film from when I was a student at the Academy of Art University in San Fransisco. This entire film was improvised, the actors and actresses were given a starting point and an ending point for each scene. I’m rereleasing it here on my personal channel to archive my past projects.

The Plot
A group of students try to survive in their dorm after the zombie apocalypse. Spending the previous night partying, they miss the memo to PANIC! Here is the story of a group of not-so-sharp students trying to survive...

A Heath LaBombard Film
Zilla Hoods Production & Open Doors Studios
Original Release Date: April 27, 2012


William Rose as Will

Brandon Michael Clarke as Brooks

Geminis Eaglin as Gemini

Kevin "Baby Slice" Ferguson Jr. as Lead Zombie

James Smith as Stanley

Jesse Ray Diamond as Zilla

We don’t own the rights to any music or sound effects in this film. This film wasn’t made for money, but to test our skills when we were younger and had opportunities. It was also a lot of fun to make!

0:00 Punch Drunk
1:21 The Dream
2:01 Why's it so trashed out here?
3:03 Title Credits
3:30 Do I look like a zombie?
5:30 Stanley
7:09 Dorm Layout
8:20 Let's take these motherfers down!
9:52 Brookes & Gemini's Secret
10:10 Zilla to the Rescue
10:29 You have a firearm?!
11:58 Showdown
12:49 Final Credits

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