Conquer Your Fear Of Government!

1 month ago

So you see the fraud is being uncovered....USAID, etc.
What role are you playing in it?

Are you fearing so called government agencies?
Do you realize they are simply corporations?

You know you're all driving me crazy waiting for politicians to fix what you complain about when you have all the power, right now, today, in the palm of your hands.

They have no power.
You have ALL the power.

YOU have inherent rights from the creator.

Yeah yeah yeah, you're like, "Oh good luck getting them to do this or that."

Because you think they have the power!

You're asking them to give you what you want!

You SHOULD BE and could be DEMANDING your rights.

You just don't know how because you have the fear.

Legal Fockery is everywhere.
But we have the common law.

You have it if you know how to use it!
It exists!

Look up your federal district court and seek the info on Article III judges.

These are all corporations imposing fraud upon you:
Mayor's offices
City council
School councils
Police agencies
And unfortunately, our Sheriffs are corrupted too

You must learn what it IS and what it is NOT.

What you think is "court" is not court.
Article I administrative AGENCIES are not "court".

There are states with "statutes" for "non-judicial" foreclosure.

Dig this.
1. Non-judicial! LOL They can just post in the local paper, which you're never going to see, "Hey John Smith is behind in their mortgage (which is a fraud anyway)."

2. They a private corporation, agency, sends you letters to attend a hearing, you hire a BAR CARD agent OF THE STATE, to defend you.

3. You don't know, as a state licensed BAR CAR, state licensed LLC, officer of the "court" is going to "defend" you?

4. In a state "court" where the judge and prosecutor all get paid by the same CORPORATION?

5. Seriously? You're going to fall for this?

Same with traffic court! 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Legal Fockery.
Watch Scott & Justice Gorsuch in this clip.

The judiciary got it's power from Article III of the Constitution hence, Article III "real judges".

You have a right to a COMMON LAW JURY in all matters against you.

The administrative courts do not provide that..
So where is your REMEDY????

You don't know the legal fockery,
so you give YOUR CONSENT.

You waive your rights all day long without knowing it.
This is what my book is about.

Game over.
You gave in to the fear.

You never have an obligation to an Administrative Article I "court".

No consent.
No thanks.
Take your contract and shove it.

You have INALIENABLE rights.

Do you want to know how to defend yourself?
Then make efforts to learn.

Follow me to freedom!

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