King Akhenaten & His god Aten. Moses Priest of Aten & Secret Teachings of Hebrew Elite

5 days ago

The Heretic King Akhenaten & His god Aten. Moses Priest of Aten and Secret Teachings of Hebrew Elite
Akhenaten's One God Aten and Abrahamic Religions | History of Monotheism
7,890 views • Jun 15, 2024
See the video after this post for a better understanding of the Cult of Aten
Akhenaten was NOT a Monotheist. The True Motivation of the abolishment of the Worship of all other gods was primarily a means to battle against the Power and Wealth of the Priests and their Temples.
But there was something to the Cult of Aten.
According to Michael Tsarion the Cult of Aten was a Nefarious Synthesis of the Mystery School Teachings and Dark Magic. These Teachings were however reserved for the Royals and the Ruling Elite who were in favor of the Evil King.
Akhenaten was extremely cruel to his subjects, and demanded they Worship Him as a Living god. They had to prostrate themselves and lie face down in the dirt and were forbidden to look at him.
His banning of the other god's however has a very negative effect upon the people themselves. Egyptians were very pious. They lived for their religious beliefs and for the Afterlife to come.
But the true harm came from the fact that the Masses relied upon the Priesthood and the Temples for basic necessities of life. Including Healing, Welfare and overseeing administration over their lives.
It is highly likely that Akhenaten was not fully Human. That he definitely has an ELONGATED SKULL Like the Paracis Skulls of Peru. (Pre-Adomites or Anunnaki?) He was also said to have been much taller that humans.
Researcher and Author Michael Tsarion has stated that the Secret Teachings of the Cult of Aton were transfered to the Hebrew Royals. Secret Mystery School Teachings (Who knows what other Secret Knowledge?) that were to become the Basis of Hebrew Kabbalah. Reserved for the Royals and the Priesthood. It was also the Secret Teachings of the Fallen Angel, False Deities Worshiped by the Essenne.
Tsarion claims that the Cult of Aton is the Most Powerful Mystery Religion/Secret Society in the World, that Controls All Others. To give you an idea of the True Influence the Cult of Aten has had, his daughter Scotia is the Namesake of Scotland.
"Akhenaten's One God (Aten) and Abrahamic Religions" is the outcome of my research on the the story and history of Akhenaten and how he rejected the worship of Amun and other ancient Egyptian deities, and called for the Only One God, Aten.
You will see in this video the relation of Akhenaten with: - Jewish Prayer: "shema yisrael" prayer - Moses and Jesus Christ - Monotheism and polytheism This research is built on the views of many historians, scholars, archaeologists, and Egyptologists such as, Sigmund Freud, James Henry Breasted, C.S. Lewis, Arthur Weigall, Donald B. Redford, Will Durant, etc.


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