Biblical Audio Commentary – Holy Unto the Lord, Or Not

8 days ago

When God directs the anointing of someone, that causes a tremendous blessing and creates a serious responsibility. From the Old Testament we think about how Samuel anointed David to be king over Israel and eventually replace Saul who was also similarly anointed, or the wild anointing by oil of Jehu by one of the prophets directed by Elijah so as to do God’s bidding against the unrighteous kings of the day. In the New Testament, Jesus’ anointing was a little different in that when He was baptized by John the Baptist, the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove came down from heaven resulting in God’s holy imprimatur upon His Son. Whatever way it happens, when it is from God, a very special situation occurs, and the person so anointed must take that act and the resulting position it bestows quite seriously.

The transcript for this audio commentary is available at my website blog under the post with the same title:

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