Live Broadcast: Be One as I am One

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2/7/25--Be One as I am One

Tell My people it is time to work with their hands, building up the Kingdom of God and prayer. Rise up My children, for it is time, high time for you to rise and hear My voice and follow My Spirit. Children, know Me. Know My love. Love has waxed cold among My people. Go forth, knowing I call you to a high calling. Answer the call, children. answer. Those who answer and prepare themselves are chosen and those who are faithful to the end enter in. Rise up. I give you authority. Come up higher. Sit together in Heavenly places with Me. Know My strength. Know My holiness. Be ye holy for I am holy. Much deception has gone forth. False teachings, false doctrine. It is rampant. My body shall be one, not divided. I come and change things, for the church shall be one as I am One. Hear Me, children. Great shaking is coming and is here for the church. It must align with Me and my Word. Children, repent for all sin, for My time is at hand and I shall come back soon. There shall be a great falling away. Know and expect this, but do not let this be you. It fulfills the scriptures. It will come to pass. Know your God. Know My Word. Study thyself to be approved. Submit yourselves to Me now, says the Lord.

Scriptural References:
John 3:1-8--Being Born Again
Acts 1:1-8--Being Born Again
Acts 2:1-4, 14-39--Being Born Again
Ephesians 4:1-4--Oneness of God
1 Peter 1:16--Holiness
Hebrews 4:12--Holiness
2 Timothy 2:15--Studying the Word of God
2 Thessalonians 2:1-3--Falling away

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