Markey (D): EPA Employees Are Living In Terror Because They're Being Asked 2 Justify Their Existence

1 month ago

Democrat Senator Ed Markey: Yes, I'm being told by the employees that they are just living in terror inside the EPA headquarters, in all the regional offices. They're being asked to justify their existence. They're brilliant scientists. They gave up their life. They could have worked for Dupont. They could have worked for chemical companies. Instead they decided to work on behalf of the health of Americans. Or they decided to work to deploy solar and wind across our country to ensure that we could fight climate change. And instead they're being cross examined almost in a way that is 19 Soviet Union by 25 year old inquisitors. And it's just the world tipped upside down where those young people who we revere to major in biology and chemistry and physics are not being questioned by people who have no credentials and no interest, by the way, in protecting the health and well being of Americans across our country. And that's why we need the courts. Congress has to stand up and fight. But we're gonna need people across this country to stand up and fight to not agonize, but organize against these people. We're gonna need people by the millions to stand up to Trump. Because they wanna lose all the healthcare, education in environmental programs, for all the tax breaks for the millionaires and billionaires. That's the whole plot. It's very simple. And these young men and young, young women, but mostly young men are in there to accomplish that goal for the billionaire class.

Democrat Ed Markey has been in Congress for 48 years. He is what is wrong with the US government. Over the 48 years that Markey has been in Congress, the U.S. national debt has increased by $34.771 trillion. The U.S debt is Ed Markey's legacy.

Democrat Ed Markey has been in Congress for 48 years. He is what is wrong with the US government. Over the 48 years that Markey has been in Congress, the U.S. national debt has increased by $34.771 trillion. The U.S debt is Ed Markey's legacy.

Donald Trump and Elon Musk are pushing for greater accountability among politicians and government, demanding transparency for every dollar spent from public funds. Elon Musk, Donald Trump, and the 25-year-old are stepping up to challenge this status quo, advocating for a new era of fiscal responsibility in government. If you confuse this push for transparency with terror, it suggests you're deceitful, corrupt, and or intent on concealing something.

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