Covid Slaves

1 month ago

main website:

Covid Slaves
Two thousand twenty was a wasted year
Globalist tyrants caused panic and fear
They used controlled media to spread the covid lie
Unless you follow orders you're all going to die
That's the cover story for their real intentions
World depopulation and an end to free nations
They create a crisis to command your attention
Their latest psychological operation
Tyrants know as long as they can keep you afraid
They control your mind and can keep you enslaved
Under color of law they gave unlawful orders
Wear a mask, keep your distance - forms of mental torture
Deny the breath of life with a false excuse
Making children wear masks is child abuse
A fake test caused false positives reported
Cases and death tolls inflated and distorted
Lockdowns, shutdowns government handouts
Destroying livelihoods - middle class bombed out
Tyrants know as long as they can keep you afraid
They control your mind and can keep you enslaved
The mask is a muzzle - covid is a flu
The weak and old die from it - ain't nothing new
There's something's going on - not what you've been told
They blame it on a virus - but it's all mind control
Rulers manipulate minds of populations
Big Tech empowers fake news manipulations
They want to end your freedom - depending on the state
You better learn some history - before it's too late
Tyrants know as long as they can keep you afraid
They control your mind and can keep you enslaved
They keep you afraid to keep you a slave


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