Atlantis Rising Santorini Quakes - Are You a Record Holder

1 month ago

Hundreds of powerful earth tremors and mini quakes around the Greek islands of Santorini. Potential larger quake, volcano and exodus of locals and tourists fleeing.
Santorini is what my crystal skull calls 'the womb of creation' it has memory and codes of when we were in Atlantis.
If called to this video you probably were there.
So now what - and is Atlantis about to emerge physically (changed landscape) and energetically once again - to us the seed and light carriers of her.
Guidance and high frequency channelling from my Crystal Skull.
How this re-emerging is timed to perfection regards Year of the Snake - I tap into and channel the Sea serpent, currently circling the Greek islands and ask how we can tap into and remember what we once knew.
The sea serpent shows an ancient book with a page open for you.
Signs you had an Atlantean lifetime, water, including fear of water, crystals, colours and how this vibration is about to ripple our far and wide across our world.
Mother Earths need to purge, shift and re-align, and a potential new energetic protection barrier around Santorini. Emerging land masses too.
Sparring, Mental agility needed as we shift
And yes Delphine - thoughts - is this crystal a portal to her or her, or showing we are all her who connect to her...
Also Alice through the Looking Glass and my broken Alice and a new deck sent in The White Rabbit Oracle - also had stuff to share..particularly on collapse of old power structures.
I started an energetic purge as I was filming this so sorry about the sniffs - all part of the clearance though energetically! I think we opened a portal here.
Dive in - remember who you were and are.

@AmandaEllis #atlantis #santorini #santoriniearthquake #awakening

Oracle decks; Queen of the Moon Oracle Stacey deMarco, Mermaid Tarot by Leeza Robertson, White Rabbit Oracle Deck by Emily Critchley (Creative White Rabbit on Instagram and Facebook)

Healing & Connection Sprays
Suggested for accessing Atlantean energy Archangel Metatron Water Elemental Flow
Also: Unicorn Unity Spray -7th Dimensional energy

To donate (thank you)

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Music Intro: - - my intro music is from his album Aether the track is called Two Worlds.

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