Pluto in Aquarius Roundtable w. Laura Eisenhower, Daniel Giamario +more!

8 days ago

A meeting of the Astrological Minds with a strong Aquarian element. Laura Eisenhower, Daniel Giamario, Sasha Rose, Jaime Lee and Adam AstroYogi Sanchez come together to discuss the celestial movement of Pluto in Aquarius in Western Astrology, and what this may look like for humanity.

(Podcast original film date was December 7th, 2024)
0:04 - Laura introduces roundtable

0:47 - Daniel shares

5:21 - Laura responds and introduces Jaime

6:02 - Jaime shares

8:32 - Sasha shares

12:33 - Adam shares

19:12 - Daniel shares on east vs west Astrology systems

33:08 - Laura responds to Daniel on Ophiuchus

33:25 - Daniel responds to Laura

34:09 - Sasha shares on Pluto in Aquarius generation’s place in opposition of Leo

36:06 - Daniel responds to Sasha on Leo generation

37:39 - Laura on nodes

39: 59 - Jaime on the mysteries

39:24 - Daniel responds

41:41 - Sasha on reclamation

52:32 - Laura on Venus in Light and Dark expressions

54:24 - Daniel on Venus follow up

58:00 - Sasha responds to Daniel with current Venus cycle

58:40 - Jaime shares more on the Venus cycle

1:01: 51 - Laura & Daniel add to Venus & planetary understanding

1:04: 46 - Adam on Venus and the feminine balance and asking Laura+ group about her book’s focus on the Venus “love story” connection

1:06:16 - Laura replies

1:09:00 - Sasha replies

1:11:39 - Laura responds to Sasha

1:12:42 - Sasha on the power of being with the pains in the underworld

1:13:45 - Laura on the rehabilitation of Humanity and the medicine of nature

1:16:38 - Daniel on Chiron in Aries & 5th return on US Chart

1:21:42 - Laura asks Adam about his question on Narcissism and shares on how the labels and names can be part of the problem

1:22:38 - Adam speaks on Chiron in Aries, Trump, and the intersection with Neurodivergence & Narcissism in the Pluto in Aquarius era & asks the group how to know to navigate the wild weird Aquarian world of increasing shock and possible trauma, choosing between co creative creation of individual delusion or isolation

1:26:47 - Laura responds and asks a question to the group on the planets in relation to Adam’s question

1:28:12 - Daniel responds to Adam’s question on the nature of Aquarius and the biggest shadow of this sign as the monoculture through technology

1:31:00 - Sasha on smartphones as tools of Sauron/Narcissism and Aquarian social shadows of tech

1:35:48 - Daniel shares his incredible gratitude for his school and clients being strong awake souls bringing community to the underdog counter-culture

1:37:22 - Laura asks about possible Bifurcation of timelines

1:38:00 - Daniel responds with info on Uranus Pluto conjunction as a great example

1:41:40 - Sasha on common law and Aquarian sovereignty versus corporate & legal system enslavement

1:44:30 - Daniel expanding on Sasha point

1:47:30 - Adam struggles with the mute button and then shares on walking away from abusive relationships and asking the group about their views on the importance of setting boundaries

1:49:30 - Sasha replies with awareness of recent years as “warrior training”

1:50:28 - Jaime replies and reflects on Neptune moving into Aries, and consent with creative manifestation

1:52:40 - Daniel replies with the metaphor of the zodiac as a guide to how each soul can best respond based on their personal dharma

1:54:15 - Adam Asks Jaime abt the powers of Pisces in the upcoming Feb 1st 2025

1:55:09 - Jaime responds with emphasis on sovereignty through Aquarius energy and Uranus its planetary ruler, And Chiron’s Healing energy in Aries connection to innate life force

1:58:55 - Laura expounds on the malleability of reality and nature with North node in Pisces

2:03:00 - Daniel expounds on Neptune moving from Pisces to Aries in 2025

2:05:25 - Laura thanks Jaime for attending as she exits

2:05:38 - Jaime shares her final thoughts on Divine Support and more

2:08:43 - Sasha shares her thoughts in reply to Jaime with the heroines journey as it relates to true heart connection and asks Jaime how she experiences this energy based on the Virgo Pisces natural opposition

2:12:35 - Daniel Asks one last question to Jaime and the group about each Astrologer’s natal Pluto placement

2:14:30- Adam offers Jaime farewell and thanks esp. about her last point on the magical consciousness we access when we are resourced

2:15: - Jaime leaves

2:15: 25 - Sasha poses a general question to the group on characteristics of Pluto in Aquarius

2:16:00 - Daniel responds first with a previously touched upon point on the USA natal chart with the current transits and financial systems (plus new administrations role)

2:23: 02 - Sasha replies to Aquarian financial systems with clarity on money and corruptions past in the USA nation inception/constitutional manipulations (14th amendment)

2:25:08 - Daniel responds with personal history on the USA Social security system and the “straw man” identity as it relates to the stock market, etc

2:27:04 - Sasha asks Laura her ideas on Currency as it relates to Sovereignty in the Age of Aquarius ahead

2:27:28 - Laura responds with her thoughts on perception of currency and self-worth & the potential of a higher system available

2:31:50 - Daniel expounds on this with awareness of Cancer energy and how it promises true communal care in its higher promise

2:33:44 - Sasha shares on her own experiences with social credit systems and how these structures make family and care systemically difficult

2:36:30 Laura connects Sasha’s point with Chiron wounding as a way to manipulate society through social engineering and the remedy of inner value and integrity

2:38:11 -Sasha recognizes integrity as a result of the initiations of transformation stripping away what needs to be

2:39:05 - Laura expands on that dismantling process of Pluto

2:39:43 - Daniel talks about ancient meanings of Pluto as wealth in its pure connection to Taurus

2:41:03 - Adam on Chiron and Pluto in Aquarius as it connects with the exaltation of Uranus in Scorpio

2:43:15 - Daniel on economics of past Chiron in taurus transits as they relate to the upcoming one in 2026, and the pitfalls of glamorizing Aquarius, with deeper details on the constellation and sign

2:48:20 - Laura on the grace and gravity of the nodal axis in astrology

2:51:24 - Daniel on 575 BC conjunction Uranus Neptune and Pluto conjunction and how it relates to the evolution of the human species

2:54:19 - Sasha on how communing with the land itself can be a powerful tool in our new vistas

2:56:09 - Laura Pluto as the ultimate breaking up process

2:58:01 - Adam asked Daniel more about his book The Shamanic Astrology Handbook and its connection giving each sign a mystery school

3:03:30 - Daniel ends with an astrology joke/meme recounting.

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