# Salam Ya Mahdi / سلام يا مهدي كندا - النسخة الرسمية

1 month ago

#People, communities, and regions across the globe have recently come together to call out for Imam Al-Mahdi (atfs) with their voices and hearts. Love for Imam Al-Mahdi (atfs) knows no borders and has made its way to the heart of Canada’s Capital, where we too have joined in on the unified call to our awaited Imam.

The Ahlul Bayt Islamic School and Centre is honoured to have had the privilege of hosting “Salam Ya Mahdi” alongside our beloved community.

What an incredible experience and a blessing it is to have come together under the banner of Imam Al-Mahdi (atfs) and chant his name as one. May we chant his name in our hearts and pledge our allegiance to him through our actions, everyday. May Allah (swt) continue to bless and strengthen this community, hasten the reappearance of our awaited Imam, and make us among his true supporters.

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