USAID Funded Fake Impeachment of Donald Trump in 2019

6 hours ago


I remember when Twitter and Facebook would de-platform anybody for posting Eric Ciamarella's name. People started calling him "CIA Marshmallow" to get around this.



Dan Bongino: Listen to the USAID connection to the Impeachment Hoax that the great Michael Schellenberger uncovered. He talked about it last night on Jesse Watters' show. This is going to tie in to this whole fiasco.

But listen to this first. Check this out:

(Roll video of Jesse Watters show)

Jesse Watters: You have this new piece on Substack that the USAID and the CIA helped orchestrate Trump's impeachment.

Michael Shellenberger: Yeah, I mean, Jesse, it's a crazy story. I mean, you might forget that, you know, the House of Representatives impeached President Trump in December of 2019.

Many people may not remember that it was a CIA analyst, who was left over from the Obama White House who wrote the memo that led to the Impeachment. It was all based on hearsay. The person had not actually been in the room with Trump.

[Then, Trump published the official transcript of his call with Volodymyr Zelenskyy, showing that there was nothing untoward in in anyway, impeachable about the phone call, or as Trump has called it many times, "A perfect phone call"].

Nonetheless, this memo, that he wrote relied heavily on a report done by an organization funded by USAID.

In fact, its initial founding funding – I mean, now it's tens of millions of dollars – had gone into this group called the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project, a name that's not very memorable, OCCRP. But it was basically created as an extension of the State Department and then of USAID.

And as you know, Jesse, ***this is very serious, to be involved in an effort to do Regime Change at home***, as we've been discovering as the files have come out, with what Elon Musk has been doing, we know that USAID was really about regime change abroad. It was a kind of public-facing Regime Change operation like CIA, but not covert, more overt.

Well, now you see a similar blowback, just like they did censorship abroad and brought censorship tools back home, they were doing this sort of thing abroad, creating a predicate, essentially, for Trump's impeachment.

Dan Bongino: What the Hell just happened last night? All the credit in the world to Michael Schellenberger. This new angle to an old story is such a massive piece of the puzzle that, like, the puzzle didn't make sense until this big, huge piece was plugged-in.

So now we know that USAID was basically funding Regime Change in the United States, to get rid of Donald Trump, taking an international pool of money, where they were basically a carve-out for intel operations around the world to engage in Regime Change and anti-American activity overseas; that this USAID outfit money went to a media outlet — that's the one he's talking about — that produces this fake report about Donald Trump and his call to Ukraine.

The fake report is then cited by the "Whistleblower", who files a report with the Inspector General for the intelligence community, and that leads to the entire Donald Trump impeachment fiasco.

The problem is, the whole story's fake!

The whole story's fake! The "Whistleblower" didn't even hear the call!

Now, where does the book come in? Again, the book is called 'Follow the Money'

This project has been on my mind for — I had an episode taken off of Apple, censored, because I talked about this story. If you go to page 135 of the book, I know it's hard to see there, but there's a chapter called "The Mole". The Mole chapter is all about this entire thing, in intricate detail, what happened.

So the "Whistleblower" that he's talking about — so follow me here. This is not complicated, but this shows a little deep. today: A "Whistleblower" calls the Inspector General of the United States for the Intel Community and says, "Donald Trump did a quid pro quo on a call with Ukraine."

The "Whistleblower"'s not on the call! The information cited in the report the "Whistleblower" makes; that the information is taken from a USAID-funded media propaganda piece, meaning USAID and our Tax Dollars are funding propaganda to engage in Regime Change.

Here's where the book comes in. This is page 136 in the chapter, "The Mole", talking about the "Whistleblower", this guy, Ciamarella. He first arrived at the White House during the Obama administration. Interesting.

So, he's an Obama Holdover; worked as Ukraine Director on the National Security Council. Wow! Sh¡t! I would have never guessed! The "Whistleblower" had some interest in Ukraine, which was a Piggy Bank for people like Joe Biden and everyone else? Can't hurt that Piggy Bank!

"Donald Trump's asking questions about Ukraine. We better file a report!"

"Where are we going to get the information for the report?"

"I don't know, maybe USAID could fund a media outlet to give us some fake sh¡t."

Oh, man!

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