Fall Asleep in Minutes with This One Simple Technique | Dr. Mandell

3 days ago

As evening approaches, your body naturally cools down, signaling it's time to rest. However, if your room is too warm, it can disrupt this process, delaying sleep and causing restlessness. Sleeping in a cooler room promotes melatonin production, the hormone that regulates your sleep-wake cycle, and improves sleep quality.

Dimming lights and reducing screen time before bed further support melatonin production. Cooler temperatures help you fall asleep faster, achieve deeper sleep, enhance REM sleep, and lower the risk of metabolic diseases like diabetes.

Research highlights this connection: a Harvard study found participants fell asleep in an average of 6.2 minutes when their body temperature dropped to its lowest (97.7ºF/36.5ºC), compared to 20 minutes when warmer. Similarly, a Japanese study showed that lowering body temperature by about 1ºF (0.5-0.6ºC) reduced the time to fall asleep to just 8.9 minutes, as measured by polysomnography, the gold standard for sleep studies.

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