Honest Science Demands a Creator! (Also exposing Richard Dawkins and Joe Hanson)

5 days ago

In our first video on Evolution vs. Creation, we showed that the evolution story invokes 'miracle' upon 'miracle' to explain where everything came from, and thus undoubtedly classifies as a religion. Moreover, evolutionists lie to the public by claiming that their explanations are based on 'science' and 'natural causes' only.

In this second video, we approach the debate from the opposite angle. We consider some of the laws of science to show that honest science obviously demands a Creator.

By using practical examples like home maintenance and manuscript preservation, the laws of entropy and causality are explained. It is also pointed out how evolutionists violate the law of causality by swapping cause and effect.

Join us in this video where we further dismantle the evolution propaganda by showing that 'Honest science demands a Creator'!

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