Dr. Kirk Moore: A Doctor's Right to Exercise Freedom of Treatment

1 month ago

I met Dr. Moore a year ago, as Dr. James Thorpe highly recommended that Dr. Moore be considered for a Pulitzer Prize for his bravery in protecting the public from the liquid Holocaust of the vaccines.

Dr. Kirk Moore allegedly gave his patients normal saline (salt water) injections instead of injecting the Covid vaccine - at their request. In return, his office was invaded by the government. And on the day after Trump won the election, Dr. Moore was arrested, perp-walked out of his office in handcuffs, and taken to jail.

Dr. Kirk Moore and his staff were indicted for standing against the government’s COVID vaccine mandates. They are being made an example of to all medical professionals that they cannot question the medical judgment of the federal bureaucracy. We discuss what happened last year, where the case is now, and a variety of topics including RFK Jr, what was in the vaccine, the lack of a Package Insert, no informed consent, and more.

MAKE A DONATION: https://www.givesendgo.com/fight4moore
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/Moore22K
CONTACT: Teena Horlacher | (Cell) 801-498-0964 | TeenaHorlacher@Protonmail.com

“When physicians believe a law violates ethical values or is unjust, they should work to change in law,” the Code says. “In exceptional circumstances of unjust laws, ethical responsibilities should supersede legal duties.”

The government is not your physician and COVID-19 is not a political illness. Healthcare is personal and individual, and if physicians are no longer capable of providing the care their patients desire and deserve, then we as Americans are in jeopardy of losing our right to personal and individual healthcare. This is why we need your help.

Now Dr. Moore and his staff need your help to fight this monumental legal battle that will, ultimately, affect all of us. The case must be made to show that the government has NO right to mandate how a doctor treats his patients. Dr. Moore’s sacred adherence to his Hippocratic Oath as his guiding principle to First Do No Harm, informed consent and evidence based treatment must be protected. We the people must maintain our ability to receive treatment however we prefer.

Please check for action items and read the Declaration of Amnesty here: www.RealUtahHeroes.com. Read, sign, and share. For those who feel inspired to volunteer, please let them know you're available.
** PATRIOT SWITCH ** We need to start voting with our dollars and ensure that our purchases are supporting companies that promote freedom. ** Join with over 2 million monthly shoppers that have made the switch: https://patriotswitch.com/dra

1. My Substack: https://therebelpatient.substack.com
2. Hospital Hostage Hotline: 888-C19-EMERGency or 888-219-3637 and ProtocolKills.com
3. Hospital Hostage Assistance: https://GraithCare.com and graithcare.adm@gmail.com and (469) 864-7149
4. Blood Transfusions: Blessed By His Blood: https://www.blessedbyhisblood.com/ - Join the Cooperative to Get Unvaccinated Blood - Donate
5. SAFE BLOOD DONATION: info@safeblood.ch | Tel. +41 79 55 99 079 | USA: safeblood.us | INTERNATIONAL: safeblood.net | SEARCH FOR A DONOR: https://safeblood.ch/en/search/ | SEARCH FOR A MEDICAL PARTNER: https://safeblood.net/en/medicial-partner-search/
6. File a Medical Board Complaint: All 50 state medical board complaints: http://www.neglectreport.com/
7. File a Hospital Complaint with the Joint Commission: https://www.jointcommission.org/resources/patient-safety-topics/report-a-patient-safety-concern-or-complaint/
8. Report a Sentinel Event: https://www.truthforhealth.org/report-sentinel-event/
9. File a Criminal Complaint: https://www.truthforhealth.org/2022/02/how-to-file-a-criminal-complaint/
10. How Bad Is My Batch (of Vaccine): https://howbadismybatch.com/
11. Find My Legislator: https://openstates.org/find_your_legislator/
12. To Be Interviewed by Dr. Aranda on her Rumble, especially for Hospital Death by Remdesivir: https://rumble.com/c/c-1793991 and/or email us at: TheRebelPatient@Substack.com
A small commission is paid to Dr. Margaret Aranda and helps support her efforts.
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