398 - The Ageless Revolution

Streamed on:

Thursday: February 6th 2025 | 2 PM PST |

Dr. Michael Aziz

Sit-down discussion with Dr. Michael Aziz -- Renowned Internist anti-aging, Regenerative Physician Specialist, and Author
The 10 Hallmarks of Aging
The anti-aging secrets of the “5 Blue Zones”
The dangers of popular diets and how they negatively affect the 10 Hallmarks
How to find the right anti-aging doctor

Dr. Michael Aziz is a physician, author, and broadcast media commentator. He is Board Certified in Internal Medicine. He is an attending physician at Lenox Hill Hospital. Dr. Aziz completed his training at "Long Island Jewish Medical Center," and "Staten Island University Hospital." Dr. Aziz is a member of the American College of Physicians and the American Society of Internal Medicine. He is also a fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine in the United Kingdom. Dr. Aziz has appeared as a keynote speaker before many prestigious groups nationally and internationally such as the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine.
Dr Aziz retrained with the American Academy of Anti-aging in Functional Medicine. Dr. Aziz authored "The Perfect 10 Diet." A diet that encourages full-fat products from butter to whole milk. It was a sharp contrast to the low-fat dogma. The Perfect 10 Diet was also different from both low-carb and keto diets as it didn't allow any chemicals such as nitrites , not just sugar since they are linked to cancer.
Dr. Aziz authored his second book The Ageless Revolution. It was the Covid-19 pandemic that showed him our vulnerability as a nation with higher deaths rates compared to other nations that weathered the pandemic better. Dr Aziz says "As Americans we are leaving two decades on the table that we can live in great health." The Ageless Revolution" is a book that promotes anti-aging, great health, and longevity through; diet, lifestyle, supplements, medications, and peptides. The book has hit the number 1 spot in many health conditions on Amazon presale.
Dr Aziz is a prolific medical contributor to Life Extension Magazine. He has also been a contributor to The Boardroom Newsletters which reached over 7 million subscribers with health advice before the Covid-19 pandemic. Dr. Aziz's columns, articles, and opinions have been published in The LA Times, CNN.com, The Washington Post, WebMD, The NY Post, the Daily News, as well as in many publications internationally such as The Daily Mail, and Paris Match.
Dr. Aziz regularly provides medical commentary on many health networks, including NPR, Fox, ABC, WGN Chicago, NBC, Telemundo, and Dubai TV. Dr. Aziz is passionate about philanthropy. He has volunteered to help New Yorkers during the Covid-19 pandemic and has volunteered in underserved rural areas in Indonesia.


Social Media

Live at 2 PM PST | 5 PM EST on YouTube LIVE: https://www.youtube.com/@itsyourliferadio. Also being broadcast live on e360tv, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Rumble.

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Thank you for watching,
Dr. J.C.

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