2/6/25 Lord, we trust you to bring us to the win❤️

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Iceberg Ahead: “Not Even God Himself Could Sink This Ship!”
Ha! Strange — but I suddenly heard the Spirit say, ”So they say… “Not even God Himself could sink this ship”?
I say, “Iceberg Ahead! Watch as Titans and their Titanics begin to Sink in the days ahead!”
When God speaks, He will often conceal a matter [Proverbs 25:2] — which is for the purpose of pressing-in for more!
The Spirit of Revelation here is Pointing to something of Significance that will take place in the days ahead.
Pray — Over the Waters of the Sea — Pray concerning Ships —and even Trade Routes.
Pray — as the Spirit leads!
Image author unknown
Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West

What Do You See — the Seed or the Sapling?
February 6, 2025 Veronika West

A quick share. I pray this speaks to someone!
So this Evening, I was busy wrapping up after a long day of Ministry administration when I started to weep again before The LORD, and as I wept I started to pray for my own Nation of Ireland.
Then I began to pray concerning the Kingdom Assignment that God has entrusted to us in this Nation, when suddenly I saw in The Spirit, a small green sapling nestled in the soil, and The LORD suddenly asked me a question!
”Daughter — what do you see?”
I immediately answered, saying, ”LORD, I see a sapling.”
Yet He pressed me further, asking me again, ”What do you truly see?”
In that moment, He revealed my heart — as what I truly perceived was a small, weak, fragile sapling that seemed unable to withstand even a gentle gust of wind.
Suddenly, The LORD spoke to me again, and He said, gently — yet firmly — “Beloved, why do you judge the power and potential of the sapling based on its appearance and fragile infancy?
Daughter — lift up your eyes, and focus not on its small stature, but on the power and potential held within the seed that is beneath the soil!”

On hearing Him speak those Words, in an instant, I suddenly saw a glorious transformation take place and that delicate sapling was transformed into a towering Oak Tree, its thick branches sprawling outward, powerful roots delving deep into the ground, and lush green leaves casting a beautiful shade across the field.
As I stood in awe of this magnificent transformation, I felt the weight of The LORD’s Word settle in my spirit.
The once-fragile sapling, which seemed so weak and insignificant, now stood as a testament to the power, strength and incredible resilience within the Seed — the unseen and untapped potential that was hidden within the seed was now on full display for all to see!
And The LORD Spoke to my heart again saying,“Daughter Can you not see that every Seed planted by Me, carries the DNA of My Glory and the Greatness of My Identity with a powerful Kingdom Destiny?
Daughter, do you see that every Vision and Dream that is of Me, every Calling, and every Purpose begins small — and is often overlooked and underestimated by the eyes of the World.
Yet in time, at the Appointed Time with much Patience, Trust and Faith, the Seed planted of Me will bring to Birth something extraordinary and will Speak of My Glory!”
Friends, this simple Revelation tonight was a powerful and timely reminder that we are never to despise the day of small beginnings, we are never to focus on the immediate weaknesses and seeming limitations in the natural.
Instead, we must look beyond the sapling’s weakness and fragility!
We must “Come up higher!” and see the immense power and potential contained within the seed — the true Kingdom Identity and Destiny.
So listen! Do not despise the days of small beginnings, for within each small step of Faith, lies the power to reach new heights and deeper depths of all that God has planned, purposed and predestined for you even before the Foundations of the Earth!
Image © Ron Lach
Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West

Signs of the Times — Prophecy Being Fulfilled
February 6, 2025 Veronika West
In light of what is taking place, regarding the proposed plans for Gaza.
Today, February 5 2025, I heard The Spirit say, ”Horns shall be uprooted and thorns shall be removed.
I say, I shall use My Anointed to remove the thorn from Israels side, and I shall pluck up the horns — yes — even The Little Horn that shall arise shall be plucked up at its roots!”
The Second Exodus Has Surely Begun Within the Nations — Captive Nations Will Be Liberated!
I heard The Spirit say, ”Daughter — the Second Exodus has surely begun within The Nations!
I say — keep your eyes on the Nation of Israel, for many Prophetic Signs will mark the times and seasons!”
Friends, it is not a coincidence that the first hostages were released on the eve of The US Presidential Inauguration — and also “J6” January 6th prisoners will be set free!
Watch — Prophetic Signs shall litter the natural realm.
I hear a Clarion Cry: ”The Esthers are rising! Let My People go! The captives are being set free! Captive Nations will be liberated!”
Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West

Get Ready — for the Giant is Now Waking From Its Deep Sleep
I heard these Words, ”Don’t be Alarmed or Moved by what is coming — but stay Armed and Ready to Advance at My Command in the coming days!”
So, last night The LORD had me praying without ceasing. There is no time for the luxury of Sleep when Nations are about to be Shaken Wide Awake!
I was shown last night the Hand of God lifting off certain Nations for a Time — as Nations have now entered into a Season of Divine Sifting — Shifting and Separation.
God is making a Divine Distinction!
I hear the Spirit say, ”Have I not said that this is a Time and a Sign that Nations have now come into a Second Exodus — and a Second Circumcision?
Watch! As Righteous Judgments shake certain Nations, and swift and severe Course Corrections shift and realign others.
For boundaries lines will be rearranged and borders will be reordered.”
All night, I kept hearing these words, ”Don’t be Alarmed or Moved by what is coming — but stay Armed and Ready to Advance at My Command in the coming days!
Watch for the Weight of My Glory is now Invading — for Nations in the Valley of Decision will now begin to come under the Weight of My Glory.
See! For the foundations of Nations are being inspected and the fruits are being tested.
Surely I tell you, I shall not be mocked — but Nations shall be brought to their knees in great humility — for I tell you, the Books have been opened and Nations weighed in the Balance have been found wanting.
I say — Revolution! — Resurgence! And even Sudden Replacements shall dominate the headlines in the coming days, for greater uprising and violent Riots shall continue to take place in your streets as the sleeping Giant wakes from its deep sleep.
So I say again — Brace! Brace! For the greater Shaking is now Birthing an even Greater Awakening in the Nations of the Earth.
For Behold — I AM doing a New Thing! Do you See it?”
Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West

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