JUAN O SAVIN- Chosen by GOD. President Trump - Meri Crouley 2 5 2025

1 month ago

Meri Crouley does a great job here asking the right questions. We hear several of the issues that Patriots are worried about right now. The most interesting part here is that GOD has answered our cries and with that bullet just changed enough to avoid it's flight to the mark and killing our President.. that was a HAND OF GOD moment. And Donald was fulfilling this prophecy by Kim Clement. https://youtu.be/Q0RtfEoyF2U?si=gbNv10CyPS5V6Cw7
Meri also mentioned the Revival in Scotland with Donald Trumps Mother carrying this story with her and naming her son Donald. https://rumble.com/v5h34ys-duncan-campbell-revival-and-testimony-the-isle-of-lewis-1900s.html
FULL REMARKS as President Trump delivers remarks at the national prayer breakfast in D.C. Where he declares himself to bring back GOD in our COUNTRY. Revival Perhaps?
Here is the X22 with Sum of all Fears that Meri Mentioned https://rumble.com/v6h10ed-ep-3563b-ops-have-just-begun-trump-attending-super-bowl-sum-of-all-fears-pa.html
Here is the full program with Meri (my version is ads removed) https://rumble.com/v6hgzk7-juan-o.-savin-intel-on-showdown-and-sum-of-all-fears-must-watch.html

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