Eric Dollard Explains Longitudinal (Scaler) Waves

1 month ago

Edited presentation from 1996 where Eric Dollard explains Longitudinal waves. Telsa discovered the primary force of this dimension over a hundred years ago but if you asked him he would say it was given to him in a dream. Scalar technologies will transform the world in the coming years. They kind of already have but are being kept secret from the public. Original presentation here
Onionhead Andrew has been targeted for illegal neuroweapon experimentation and torture for the last ten years. In the last four years he has survived many attempts on his life. A few years ago he traveled the Americas looking for freedom from the NSA/FBI kill-torture program and found that every government was complicit. The governments of the world are conspiring in a global plan to kill 13/14 people. They are poisoning the food, air and water with heavy metals and Synthetic Biology while using Directed Energy Weapons to facilitate a bidirectional stream of networking to and from Wireless Body Area Networks . We are in a world changing event referred to as the Fourth Industrial Revolution or Biodigital Convergence. Onionhead Andrew was weapons tested on for the last decade. Now he knows how to defeat it. Will you answer the call and survive or will you sleepwalk yourself and your family, community, country over the cliff of depopulation. May God have mercy on us
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