Media Research Center Results Show Deep Biased Against Judge Kavanaugh By U.S. Media

6 years ago

The Trump opposition media is now running interference for the swamp and has become their mouthpiece. If you don't think November 2018 is important; you are part of the problem.

The Democrat party plays identity politics. That is what they do. They believe identity politics is how they win elections. They know they will lose the confirmation battle but they believe that they will win the larger war. They (wrongly) believe the confirmation of the nominee will 'alienate women voters' in the mid-terms. Identity politics means that all women must automatically be against the nominee's confirmation. How could any woman like a serial assaulter? See how identity politics works? You're a woman, therefore, you must think a certain way.

However, there is scant evidence for this dubious alienated women voter strategy, and most of the women I've spoken to about this, believe that 35-year-old high school gossip is not a basis to deny a supreme court nominee. It's a failing strategy won't that get the D party any new 'alienated women' votes whatsoever. There is no such thing as the alienated women voter over this issue. It's a dubious strategy at best. It only serves to demeans the SCOTUS and destroys a man's long and honorable career.

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