Juxtaposition's overview of the Juxtaposition Show

1 month ago

Obelisk standing in the Geneva Switzerland City Center which is home to the Private One World Governance of Knights Templar, Propaganda Due, United Nations NATO, Gladio Murder, World Bank Group, ITU, Red Cross, CERN & WEF eugenics.

Juxtaposition is a literary device that implies comparison or contrast by placing two entities side by side.

WE live within a SWISS Bank Hunger Game District & a MATRIX of Mendacity. Juxtaposition, February 1, 2022.

"It's all a game. It's a thought experiment. We're in the MATRIX."
Erin Valenti's last words spoken to her mother on October 7, 2019.

Svengali is a term that originated from George du Maurier's 1894 novel Trilby. In the novel, Svengali is a villainous musician and hypnotist who trains Trilby's voice through hypnosis, transforming her into a singing star. The term "Svengali" refers to a person who exercises a controlling or mesmeric influence on another, often for sinister purposes.

Voting has never solved anything, rather it is the cause of our subjugation.

Voting is immoral. Demanding or even implying that the "losing" side(s) must submit to the policies, desires, wishes, and whims of a "winning" side is as evil as any other societal evil. The only winners in every election are the elected.

"When you vote, you're claiming that the power to exist, and to pursue happiness, and to embody rights, lies outside of the individual. So, it's collectivism. I don't buy it." ~ Paul Laporta

Voting only legitimizes the machine and is how one consents to it. Not only do our votes not matter, but it has many subconscious implications such as:

• I need someone else to solve my problems because I'm incapable of effecting change in my own life.

• I don't have the right to take an action, but this person does because the people before me conjured this right to be given to someone else (i.e. a cult ritual)

• I'm subservient to another man and should submit to their will.

Time and again, I see people (and bots) spreading the falsehood that "voting" is the one chance we have to make change when it's the complete opposite. To understand what one is actually doing through the process of abdicating responsibility for your life and putting it in the hands of another man (aka voting) and to refuse to participate, is the only path to change.

Patriots, also known as Revolutionaries, Continentals, Rebels, or Whigs, were colonists in the Masonic Thirteen Colonies who opposed the Kingdom of Great Britain's control and governance during the colonial era, and supported and helped launch the American Revolution that ultimately established American independence. Patriot politicians led colonial opposition to British policies regarding the American colonies, eventually building support for the adoption of the Declaration of Independence, which was adopted unanimously by the Second Continental Congress on July 4, 1776. This was a Masonic SWISS sponsored illusion aka: Hunger Games.

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