Fat " influenser" want us to pay for her rides... NO THANKS

Streamed on:

Entertainment, Mens Dating Advice,Trending News, Staying Single, MGTOW, Red Pill Advise;
Mens Physical Health.

if you are having a problem regarding this statement, just GO AWAY.

FES: Female Entitlement Syndrome
SLS: Shopping List Syndrome
WKS: White Knight Syndrome

my youtube channels:

Singletown Bachlor : https://www.youtube.com/@singletownbachlor

Tinder is a Cesspool : https://www.youtube.com/@tinderisacesspool

STB Off Grid : https://www.youtube.com/@tinderisacesspool

My RUMBLE channels.:

SingleTown ..: https://rumble.com/user/SingleTown

Tinder is a cesspool : https://rumble.com/c/c-3649203

Say What ? ..: https://rumble.com/c/c-2329034

STB off grid - Denmark ..: https://rumble.com/c/c-2916034

THANKS to BILLY von BOMB for the Viking intro. @BillyVonBomb




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