Juan O Savin - He's On A Mission From God - Mel Carmine 2 5 2025

1 month ago

PART TWO- Second part comes up with a message. President Trump is on a MISSION FROM GOD. Juan talks about the Divine Authority that President Trump has taken on to clean up a HUGE mess. This was not just a recent event and Juan suggests you read the Book of Enoch. Here is a good copy: https://www.ccel.org/c/charles/otpseudepig/enoch/ENOCH_1.HTM
Juan explains that Moses was very connected to the Old Testament and we all should become more knowledgeable of this period of time. He talks about "on Eagles Wings" that symbol should be taken to heart and the people that are going to be the players in the FUTURE OF AMERICA. Work as a TEAM. We will be taking on NATION STATE THUGS and we need to be prepared.
Some good examples and Mel Carmine does a great show here. Full show is on a secondary channel and I do post this in two parts but other than the lengthy commercial in the middle it is the whole show. Mel and his team is hosting a SUMMIT in Cape Canaveral FL, March 8 and 9 see his website at www.QFS1776.com for details.

Larry Ballard



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