Rebuilding the Temple - Mondo Gonzales - The Mystery of the Red Heifer

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One of the most significant yet enigmatic symbols in biblical prophecy is the red heifer.

By the end of this book, you will understand the prophetic significance of the Red Heifer movement and the preparations made to build the Third Temple.

For centuries, scholars, theologians, and believers have awaited the emergence of the perfect red heifer, a crucial element that many believe will set the stage for the construction of the long-awaited third temple in Jerusalem—a temple that must be rebuilt before the Second Coming of Christ. The existence of a perfect red heifer is seen as a sign that the final events foretold in the Book of Revelation—including the rise of the Antichrist, the great tribulation, and Jesus’ return—are on the horizon.

Devout Jews in Israel and around the globe have been preparing the Temple Mount for the third temple’s construction for years. Yet one critical piece has been missing—the red heifer. With the arrival of five red heifers in Israel, this book investigates their prophetic significance and the extraordinary events that could soon follow. Examining the prophetic visions of Daniel, Jesus, Paul, and John, this book unravels the connections between the red heifer, the third temple, the covenant of Daniel 9:27, and the “day of the Lord” in 2 Thessalonians 2.

While reading, you will uncover valuable insights in the prophetic text such as:
• Why Jewish rabbis believe the red heifer is essential for the building of the third temple
• How the ancient red heifer ritual is connected to the ministry of Jesus
• What the red heifer ceremony may signify for the future
• The inside scoop of how the five red heifers were found and sent to Israel
• Where are the red heifers now and when will the ceremony take place

Drawing on insights from prominent prophecy teachers, this book is an essential guide for anyone seeking to understand the pivotal role of the red heifer in biblical prophecy and the unfolding of end-time events.

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