Light and Joy and Peace Abide in Me - lesson 93 - A Course In Miracles

1 month ago

Light and Joy and Peace Abide in Me - lesson 93 - a Weekly Zoom Call with James for Students of “A Course in Miracles.” Please review a written copy of today's material below and join us next time for our weekly group discussions. Click here to sign up for this weeks zoom call
Subjects Discussed:
1 - Light, joy, and peace are parts of your true eternal essence and nature.
2 - There is who we are, and who we think we are. We are the Love that God is, who we are not is everything else.
3 - Who you are not is who you have been programmed by the ego's judgment-centric fear-based mindset to be.
4 - The ego blames the outer world for how you feel, this way it has you give your power away to it.
5 - Any thought that is unloving in nature is a sign that the ego is thinking for you.
6 - God is Love and All, thus all the ego's thoughts must be nothing, not real or true.
7 - Whatever God does not share with you is not real.
8 - Your truth is Love, but so too is your brothers and sisters truth. Learn to see only the truth in them as true.
9 - The more you choose the truth in you as truth, the more peace, joy and light you get to experience and reinforce.
10 - Think, say and do what Love would think, say and do and you will create a heaven on earth for you and those around you.
11 - Learning what you do not want still helps you clarify your path to peace.
12 - You and your brothers sinlessness is guaranteed by God.
13 - Focus on recognizing when the truth in you is in control of your mind, and when it is not.
14 - If you are sinless before God's eyes, then, being all One, your brothers must be sinless before your eyes.
15 - There is nothing you can think, say and do that can change God mind about you or diminish His love for you.
16 - Learn not to reinforce the thoughts that do not lead you to light, peace and joy.
17 - The truth in you is unchanged, unchanging and unchangeable.
18 - Stop supporting thoughts that don't support the life you want.
19 - There is nothing you can do to earn God's love. Thus there should be nothing your brother and sister need to do to earn your love.
20 - Learn to see your brother as God sees you in order to experience heaven on Earth.
21 - In order to learn to judge less, practice seeing the face of Christ on each man, and the face of Mary on each woman.
22 - God bering perfection, only creates perfectly, and we are all His creation.
23 - To become the salvation of the world, listen to the moment, hear what expression of Love it needs, then be that expression.
24 - God places you exactly where you are needed.
25 - You can help save the world by becoming an example of the light in you in each moment and interaction.

Lesson 93. Light and joy and peace abide in me.

1. You think you are the home of evil, darkness and sin. ²You think if anyone could see the truth about you he would be repelled, recoiling from you as if from a poisonous snake. ³You think if what is true about you were revealed to you, you would be struck with horror so intense that you would rush to death by your own hand, living on after seeing this being impossible.

2. These are beliefs so firmly fixed that it is difficult to help you see that they are based on nothing. ²That you have made mistakes is obvious. ³That you have sought salvation in strange ways; have been deceived, deceiving and afraid of foolish fantasies and savage dreams; and have bowed down to idols made of dust,—all this is true by what you now believe.

3. Today we question this, not from the point of view of what you think, but from a very different reference point, from which such idle thoughts are meaningless. ²These thoughts are not according to God’s Will. ³These weird beliefs He does not share with you. ⁴This is enough to prove that they are wrong, but you do not perceive that this is so.

4. Why would you not be overjoyed to be assured that all the evil that you think you did was never done, that all your sins are nothing, that you are as pure and holy as you were created, and that light and joy and peace abide in you? ²Your image of yourself cannot withstand the Will of God. ³You think that this is death, but it is life. ⁴You think you are destroyed, but you are saved.

5. The self you made is not the Son of God. ²Therefore, this self does not exist at all. ³And anything it seems to do and think means nothing. ⁴It is neither bad nor good. ⁵It is unreal, and nothing more than that. ⁶It does not battle with the Son of God. ⁷It does not hurt him, nor attack his peace. ⁸It has not changed creation, nor reduced eternal sinlessness to sin, and love to hate. ⁹What power can this self you made possess, when it would contradict the Will of God?

6. Your sinlessness is guaranteed by God. ²Over and over this must be repeated, until it is accepted. ³It is true. ⁴Your sinlessness is guaranteed by God. ⁵Nothing can touch it, or change what God created as eternal. ⁶The self you made, evil and full of sin, is meaningless. ⁷Your sinlessness is guaranteed by God, and light and joy and peace abide in you.

Sign up and join us for our weekly Wednesday 7pm est. free 'A Course in Miracles' Meet Up:

We are delighted to be offering an additional weekly Zoom workshop with James Blanchard Cisneros on Wednesdays. The Wednesday weekly Zoom calls are for people who are interested in exploring topics related to “A Course in Miracles”. During each Zoom call, participants will have time to ask questions and discuss “A Course in Miracles” topics. The current plan is to hold the weekly “A Course in Miracles” Zoom calls on Wednesdays at 7pm est.

We hope you will join us for this special opportunity to connect with James and other like minded people.

When: Wednesdays (beginning June 5)
Time: 7pm est
Cost: Free
Registration is required. Please click here to sign up for this weeks zoom call.

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