Clean Samsung Dishwasher Filter | DIY Samsung Model DW80K5050US | Step by Step Filter Removal

1 month ago

Cleaning your dishwasher filter will be different for each model, but this style is prevalent in many Samsung models. The white residue can be caused by a few things, including lower quality dishwasher detergent as well as calcium, magnesium, and lime build up.

I used vinegar to wipe it down, but next time think I will try some CLR or other calcium removers to see if it helps. Much of it came off the filter a scrubbing, but plenty of it didn't. Since I got the majority of the clumps and our dishes haven't really been affected, I left it alone.

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Materials Used:
Heavy Duty Scrub Brush:
Craftsman 19.2V Cordless Drill :
Craftsman Screwdriver Set:
Casio G-Shock:

Optional Materials:
Craftsman Shop Vac:
Finish Dishwasher Cleaner Liquid:

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00:00 - Intro
00:02 - Remove racks
00:10 - Remove screws
1:33 - Remove filter
2:54 - Clean filter
3:35 - Clean dishwasher
4:20 - Clean with vinegar
4:50 - Reassemble
7:30 - Run 1 cup of vinegar through cycle

#samsung #dishwash #dishwashers

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