GIC: Mavis, Travin, and the Protectors of Children

1 month ago

Recorded on: 10-21-2022.
Originally Published: 10-21-2022.

(Channeling of Travin)

Travin: "Travin here Chris. The only thing that I will point out is that Mavis is here with us within our enclosure. He is a "mixed elemental" of sorts, and is of a breed and type that the Forbosi had a hand in creating. He is of Earth and water. This is where both his plant DNA come in and his love of streams. The Forbosi spotted an evolved spiritual core within them. No different than dear Tomin's people and the Alaerim people. I can go no more into this subject at this time. It has been an extreme pleasure working with you and dearest Joanna. As you say, when one door closes, another one opens? Yes?

Chris: "Yes, indeed it does, Travin. Thank you!"

Travin: "You are welcome. We WILL be in touch and just know that ALL separations currently are just as you asked for Christopher! For the highest good and highest vibrations of all concerned. Or in other words, an audit. Farewell, friend! :D (Thumbs up)."

Chris: "Farewell and thank you Travin!"

Travin: "(Blows kiss)"

(Travin departs)


(11:45a.m., AZST, 10/21/2022.)

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