GIC: When Change is on the Horizon, One Must Hit the Ground Running and Move Forever Forward

1 month ago

Recorded on: 10-07-2022.

Whole Title:
When Change is on the Horizon, One Must Hit the Ground Running and Move Forever Forward.

#TheMoreYouKnow! #NewBeginnings! #VIVALAVACATION!!!!! #ShadowWork #Recharge #ChangeIsTheOnlyConstant #ChangeIsTheOnlyConstantInTheUniverse

Synchronistically, this episode was activated on me and Joanna's 6th anniversary! 10-07-2022

Also, I just saw a bit of disclosure on a shower commercial that depicted Poseidon yelling at a man for controlling the immense power of water in his large walk in shower. Stating that only he could "command the power of the seas". As stupid as this disclosure example is, it still is disclosure. No different than seeing Sasquatch beaming down from a UFO in a Progressive Insurance commercial, or cat people selling anything from a new car, to kitty litter. This then decodes their visages into our brains, and we except these forms as real in our hearts. In the game of disclosure, nothing, and I mean NOTHING is stupid. All clues, no matter how small, are significant. Remember that the most mundane detail speaks the greatest volumes.
(Synchronicity seen on, 9:55-:56p.m. EST., 10-07-2022)

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