With Rabbi Pesach Wolicki & Dr. David Wurmser

1 month ago

Rabbi Pesach Wolicki, Co-Host of Shoulder to Shoulder Podcast

I had a very important conversation with Rabbi Pesach Wolicki about our joint appearance in the war room yesterday, as well as the important topics that we discussed with Steve Bannon and that all of us need to be closely monitored. Namely, in particular, what I believe is a new and very important strategic relationship between Donald Trump and Benjamin Netanyahu that has a chance of producing actual peace in the Middle East by accomplishing the necessary prerequisite. And that is a decisive victory by Israel and, through the Israelis, by us over our mutual enemies, the Sharia supremacists.

Dr. David Wurmser, Senior Analyst for Middle East Affairs at the Center for Security Policy

We've rounded up our deep dive coverage on the Trump-Netanyahu meeting with Dr. David Wumser, who spoke to us about the seeming bonding that the President and Prime Minister have done on the imperative need to defend Judeo-Christian civilization against Sharia supremacists who are intent on its destruction, not just in Israel, but here and elsewhere around the world as well. What might that mean in Gaza and elsewhere, and what is the imperative of establishing that there is no substitute for victory?

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