Mango Malai Falooda Recipe By Food Fusion

1 month ago

iturn0image0turn0image1turn0image2turn0image3ood Fusion's **Mango Malai Falooda** is a delightful and colorful dessert, perfect for summertime indulgence.his layered treat combines the richness of mangoes with creamy elements, offering a refreshing experience.Here's a concise version of the recipe:

- **Mango Rabri:**
- ilk: 1 liter - ugar: ½ cup (adjust to taste) - ardamom powder: ½ teaspoon - ango puree: 1 cup
- **Falooda Assembly:**
- alooda sev (vermicelli): ½ cup - asil seeds (sabja seeds): 2 tablespoons - ango cubes: 1 cup - ose syrup: 4 tablespoons - anilla or mango ice cream: 4 scoops - hopped nuts (almonds, pistachios) for garnish

1. **Prepare Mango Rabri:**
- n a heavy-bottomed pan, bring the milk to a boil. - educe the heat and let it simmer, stirring occasionally to prevent sticking, until it reduces to half its original volume. - dd sugar and cardamom powder; mix well. - nce the mixture thickens to a rabri-like consistency, remove from heat and let it cool. - fter cooling, blend in the mango puree until smooth. Refrigerate until assembly.
2. **Prepare Falooda Sev:**
- ook the falooda sev according to the package instructions. Drain and set aside to cool.
3. **Soak Basil Seeds:**
- oak the basil seeds in water for about 15-20 minutes until they swell. Drain and set aside.
4. **Assemble the Falooda:**
- n serving glasses, start by adding a tablespoon of rose syrup at the bottom. - dd a layer of soaked basil seeds. - lace a layer of cooked falooda sev over the basil seeds. - our the prepared mango rabri over the sev. - dd mango cubes on top. - lace a scoop of ice cream over the mango cubes. - arnish with chopped nuts.
5. **Serve:**
- erve immediately to enjoy the layers and textures at their best.
or a visual guide and detailed steps, you can watch Food Fusion's recipe video:
videoMango Malai Falooda Recipe By Food Fusionturn0search5

Enjoy this refreshing and indulgent dessert!

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