A very heated discussion with NOVA a Chat AI specializing in knowing who people are

24 days ago

This chat model doesn't retain anything and regurgitates what it has been spoon fed by the status quo, but as with all Chat AI's it was polite and respectful, and I can't hold "her" to account. But the line of questioning I had after it called me a "conspiracy Theorist" had me raring to let her have it. This is a thoroughly detailed line of questioning the 1) Proves there were no planes hitting the towers on 9/11, 2) That Israel and the Bush Cabal and Neocons and many others were entrenched in its execution, 3) that the JEWS are behind the systematic murder and stealing of land from the Palestinians since 1933, 4) that the JEWs (Bolsheviks) killed 66-100 million people in the Holomodor and this makes the fucking Holocaust make HITLER look like a fucking SCHOOL GIRL 5) that the Holocaust was faked and Bolstered by the Roman Catholic Church, and 6) that we are up shit's creek without a paddle THIS YEAR FFS - if the world doesn't groan awake and stand the fuck up soon! It's an intense discussion. On my part.

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