WHO's Sorry Now? Argentina Joins The U.S. In Leaving The World Health Organization Behind

4 hours ago

Posted • February 5, 2025: The day after his inauguration, Donald Trump withdrew the United States from the World Health Organization (WHO). The WHO was BIGLY mad about this, of course, and issued a strongly worded statement that backfired on them in the funniest way possible. Now Argentina's President Javier Milei is jumping ship, too: 🚨 Argentinian President Javier Milei is WITHDRAWING his country from the World Health Organization (WHO), following Trump’s lead. Milei said he’s pulling his country out of “socialist lies,” which also includes the Paris Climate Accords. The Trump Effect is REAL! https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GjCEBzZXEAA1mr9?format=jpg&name=medium -- Good. The WHO is corrupt and run by a bunch of Left-wing socialists. It just keeps getting better.

Here's the announcement: Manuel Adorni (@madorni) announces Argentina's withdrawal from the World Health Organization (WHO) | "This is due to the profound differences in health management, especially regarding the pandemic, where together with the government of Alberto Fernandez, they led us to the longest confinement in the history of humanity and to the lack of independence from the political influence of some States." (Dubbed in English.) -- 'Profound differences in health management' is putting it mildly. This is great news, every independent country should. The Communist WHO hates independent countries and wants the entire world to be under the unelected bureaucrats' rule. Remember that last line as the Left screams about 'unelected billionaires' cutting wasteful government spending. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - WHO's Sorry Now? Argentina Joins the U.S. in Leaving the World Health Organization Behind

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