Trouser Mouse Rap...

1 month ago

Words by @BecksArt...


You was mates with H on YouTube in 2020, you threatened me when I put a privacy strike your video.. You had about 11 TrouserMouse active accounts. You said that everytime I put a strike on one of your videos , you would put another 6 videos of the same video up. I came over to your channel and spoke to you and asked you why you was doing this when I had never spoken to you before and could you kindly remove the videos, I was very polite to you and you did not care one bit. You know that H had a YouTube account called “ Don’t Shoot the Messenger” which they later changed to my legal name. That’s how you got my name. That is the truth and how you then doxxed me when I started watching Matt Taylor. All you do is lie..

Like I said you did not know all the ins and outs of Cali’s situation, you only saw the bad behaviour she was producing. Like I said she has Autism…and a lot of trauma…I did not even know what was exactly going on in her life either, in her flat as I never visited and only met her at Nadia’s and saw how vulnerable she truly was…But one thing I am sure of, is that woman is a victim of CSA. I saw the paperwork, I wrote to her in prison as Id heard she was not being fed properly and as you all know she was released early because she shouldn’t of been there in the first place. Cali was and I’d imagine still is very very vulnerable. H said Cali’s mum abused her and I corrected them and said no it was Cali’s uncle and then I got trolled and they got some back….and all I did was expose the things they did to me.. but you won’t show those videos will you…

As far as those two other people are concerned.. putting past videos up don’t mean nothing.. it’s what has been going on the last month that matters and why you are obsessed with finding out where Dan lives and making all these sock accounts to troll not only us but you are Trolling Emily and Tony in the process but they are too dumb to realise this or perhaps they do realise.. it has all been recorded..

Dan has all the emails, every video.. every lying delusional comment form Tony. She stayed quiet allowing Dan to burn when she knows full well Dan was never interested in her in that way he just felt sorry for her and tried to help her but she never listened to him. Dan was hurt because she went along with Tony Publicly but privately she told Tony when he accused Dan over and over again of the delusional lies in his head that Tony was being stupid yet because she enables her boyfriend still to this day, you TrouserMouse believe differently.. I got all the emails.. I seen what Tony said about his own GF and how he was manipulating all of us… he done my fking head in…he created the delusional narrative and she went along with it…to be with him….I don’t need to continue this as I have said this many times… it’s you lot that continue this..

You brought us back in Jan 2025… you all started this..

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