Distracted Driver Runs Red Light After 6 Seconds

6 years ago

A clueless and distracted driver goes through a red light after 6 whole seconds, then drives on the wrong side of the road after being in almost two accidents. Pay attention while driving!

A distracted driver goes through a red light and almost causes two accidents before proceeding on the wrong side of the road. You see the black Mercedes approaching the red light without slowing. The car drives ahead almost crashing into the white vehicle obeying the traffic laws, before almost causing a front facing collision with the vehicle who recorded this absurd dash cam footage.

This is clearly a case of irresponsible driving. Is it even possible the driver was paying attention to the road? I find myself surprised the black Mercedes did not sideswipe the parked car on the left of the street.

Distracted driving does not only include driving while operating a handheld device. It may also involve eating while driving or reaching for an item under the seat, removing one's coat or shoes, reading, etc. Due to the drivers tinted windows, it is impossible to find the reasons behind this close-call situation.

Even if you turn your eyes away from the road for just a moment, things can happen before you know what has hit you. Operating a mobile device to text or talk or even type a location into your GPS device is included under the distracted driving law. The driver in this video would clearly be at fault and even have no chance of defense as dash cams become more and more prevalent on the roads. The reckless driver is lucky he didn't crash as the accidents he would have caused are extremely severe.

Driving while distracted has climbed to be the leading cause and contributor to most motor vehicle accidents. One of the most effective ways we can all ensure our roads are kept safe is to drive undistracted.

In Canada, it is estimated that one person is injured or severely harmed in a collision due to distracted driving every thirty minutes. This is devastatingly avoidable. It is also estimated that a driver using a mobile device or engaging in any of the distracted driving activities listed above chances is up to four times higher than the engaged driver of causing an accident, veering off the road or hitting a pedestrian.

Distracted driving could not only cost you a few demerit points and thousands of dollars in fines. Think about what is more important. Do not start the bad habit of operating your mobile device or tuning out when driving.

Distracted driving is a serious offense that police are beginning to take extremely seriously. You will not talk your way out of this ticket! We have seen the installation of harsher punishments for those caught distracted driving. One could say it's the new drinking and driving, yet just as harmful to our drivers and roads.

Remember, driving takes patience. Put down your phone, get your GPS cued up before you leave, pull off the road to return that phone-call or voicemail, stop often to ensure you are awake and alert; but most of all, keep your eyes on the road. When you stray from this basic commitment, you are not only putting yourself but others at risk.

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