you get these pipes cos i missed church today

1 month ago

it's hard to not despair about what all is there
i tried to warn em what's comin
they have no reason to listen to me
how does the barren woman know more than these "parents"
i care too much ad infinitum
there's a reason for my affliction
God sees you n knows exactly what you're going thru
don't think that you've failed
i was so angry today but then i remembered that God always paves my way
i don't have to worry about anything cos i can still sing
that didn't work but the Lord forgives *my audience will not
sometimes we gotta be silly
sari bout that, these high notes are way too loud
i have the tendency to rage
moving their index finger up n down is all they do now
our ancestors suffered all so you could...
they shoulda just stayed put in germany or wherever the fuck
i'm allowed to be sickened by this world
you're not getting along tho
just don't do what chu have been doing this whole time
quitting smoking was way harder than alcohol withdrawals
more like 5 cartons actually
i'm really trying to empathize here

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