Through the Templar Getty Cavers, Underground City under the Plain of the Getty Center Museum

1 month ago

Lasers, Cavers & Magic – Truth Cat Radio

Truth Cat Radio – Nothing but the truth
Ex-CIA/NSA, Steven D. Kelley became experienced in micro photo lithography and laser aiming weapon systems related to his work with Silver Electro Forming in Western California Arms Race from the 1970´s-1990´s, leading to his discoveries of the nature of silver related to the speed of light propulsion or beam ship construction. Incidents involving Dark agents, along with handlers who failed attempts to recruit Steven into Area 51, led to an encounter with the soon to be Trust Fund Manager of the Getty Foundation in 2007.
Through the Templar Getty Cavers, Steven discovered an Underground City under the Plain of the Getty Center Museum, inside Santa Monica Mountain, California, USA, operating bunkers with Satanic horrors of sex enslaved-children, stolen High Technology, God Mines (of which Donald Trump has been aware since 2018), as well as being the Getty Center a Cosmic Portal from where Dark Forces control the UK Crown, Worldwide Paedophiles, Governments & Financial Gangsters.
The above lead Steven to the realization that it would only be through the use of our humanity and the force of the psychic gifts of our brains that we could ever defeat this malevolent advanced enemy. Our human conscious manifestation is strong enough to challenge and defeat censorship
& the NAZI psychics protecting the Getty Fortress.
Since 2012 Steve has shared his autobiography, Lasers, Cavers and MAGIC and created his mission to #OCCUPY THE @GETTY by means of which the people dare to demand Mr. Gordon Getty and high US-UK authorities to open the Getty Undergrounds ending their Satanic Rituals, and liberating all the wealth belonging to humanity. Steven explains all this and more on his radio programs reflecting our past, present and future.
Please join Steven D. Kelley’s mission. Thank you. OccupyTheGetty

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