Eagle's Eye Report ~ 2/5/2025

1 month ago

HEARTWARMING as life should be, we reunite to WELCOME Roger Landry once again to his show for the week, one in which we CELEBRATE life and friendship, at the same time realizing how FRAGILE our lives really are. This is the third installment of EAGLE'S EYE REPORT that I am privileged to co-host with his producer/co-host Steven Roberts.

In a beautiful tour-de-force, Roger Landry explains and walks us through his experience and his very mild stroke, which has taken quite a bit of memory away, and we do believe this to be temporary, because he is showing signs of 'remembering' all the time, and it seems words and phrases can 'trigger' memory back, it is all a slow process.

And in his own gentle way, he allows us a peek into his world, as his innerstanding of 'what happened' grows every day, the best preventive medicine ever! Great to have our Roger back!

In this show, we also delve into poly*ticks and world news, as per Roger's capabilities.

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