Minecraft 1.18.2 | Hardcore | World 2 | No-F3 | RSG | Vanilla

1 month ago

I’m ready for my next Hardcore play through, and I’m getting more comfortable with the rules I’ve set for myself - base wherever the spawn location was, no-F3, RSG, no-F5, and the world deleted upon death (which hardcore encourages anyway). I still haven’t added any mods in as yet, so this is still completely vanilla Minecraft.

I don’t know what it is about my Hardcore worlds and snowy starts, but I’m spawned in half-way up a tree adjacent to a bunch of snow most of the way up a mountain. Compared to World 1, I survive for quite a while, even if it took me a long time to find any sheep. Like World 1, I don’t find any villages, and spend some early game time engaged in dubious activity.

This world lasts long enough for me to get my base mostly complete, have some entertaining time engaging with mobs, and ultimately face my end before I even get to think about the Nether.

This world is now committed to the great bit bucket in the sky.

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