My 2025 PRS Match Plans - Can I Make This Happen??

16 days ago

So, I have been thinking and planning the last few weeks. I wanted to share my 2025 PRS match plans with you all. This will be a miracle if I can make this happen!!

I am pretty sure that to get myself better, I need to make it to more matches. Compete with different people and at new ranges. This is my intention to make that happen. I figure if I put it out here, you all can keep me accountable and push me to actually do all of these!
Some months, I will be trying to do 3 matches!! A few will be Sunday and the next Saturday of the same 7 day period!! I will be busy!!!
Well, busier, lol.

So, to do this, I am going to need more brass. I am thinking 300 will get me through the month. Should I just get that, or get an extra box for 400 lot matches pieces of brass? I want to have the same load across all of my ammo. I am thinking I should get 400. I thought of loss after I filmed this. Dropping some in a weird place and not getting them all back. The occasional mistake that ruins a piece. I think an extra box will be a safe cushion.
Please let me know your thoughts on this! It is my main decision right now and I need to get it done soon so I can start fire forming the brass and tune my load. It should be close, but after a primer seating depth test, I may need to adjust it a little.

I will need lots of supplies. Projectiles and powder, plus an extra barrel! This will be costly with these items, the PRS membership and then the match fees! Plus gas and other incidentals.
I thought I would ask, if anyone wants to help out I could open up memberships. Let me know if anyone is interested. It would be a great help, but I don't know what extra content I can provide. But I will work to make something special for anyone that wants to help this adventure!

Thanks for watching. Please let me know your thoughts on this!
I appreciate your time. Have a great weekend!!!

This is a private range. All shooting is done in a safe, controlled environment with no people or dwellings within miles to be at risk.

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