Article 5255 Video - International Public Notice: Our Opinion for Our Military By Anna Von Reitz

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Article 5255 Video - International Public Notice: Our Opinion for Our Military - Tuesday, February 4, 2025 By Anna Von Reitz

Those who want to return to the honorable estate of an American National Military --- not a British Territorial National Military --- must be very careful to draw the line and not be fooled, for the men that pulled all these other deceits, including converting our lawful national military into a mercenary force, are Masters of Deceit.

They changed Equal Rights (referring to our God-Given Natural and Unalienable Rights) into Civil Rights --- a mere privilege offered by bureaucrats, didn't they?

They changed American babies --- and not just street waifs, but all American babies --- into British Territorial U.S. Citizens and Subjects of their Queen, didn't they?

They misrepresented the entire Mercenary Conflict of 1861-1865 as a war, didn't they? The American Civil War?

They misrepresented business organizations known as "States of States" or "Confederate States" as actual States, didn't they?

They misrepresented their mercenary services as your own national military, didn't they?

They sold you into indentured servitude on the cheap and sent you to defend French Rubber Plantations and fields of Afghan Opium Poppies, didn't they?

They told you that the War in Iraq was to search for and destroy "weapons of Mass Destruction" when they were actually on the hunt for priceless ancient artifacts, didn't they?

Their tongues would snap off if they tried to tell the truth.

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