
1 month ago

In this episode of the Podcast for Cultural Reformation, Pastor Nate Wright and Dr. Joe Boot examine the origin, history, and theology of one of the world's most primitive dualistic pagan religions: Zoroastrianism. Though small, this religion has had a significant impact on history. Join us as we dive deep into Zoroastrianism.

00:00 Cold Open: The Religion of Zoroaster
03:15 Intro
03:25 Welcome
05:03 Upcoming Events
07:02 Why Zoroastrianism?
11:21 Who is Zor0aster or Zarathustra? 
13:10 What Did He Teach?
18:00 Understanding  Zoroastrianism through a Biblical Lens
20:18 Nimrod & The Table of Nations
21:56 Zoroaster: The Seed of the Woman?
23:47 The Hope for the Seed of the Woman, the Seed of Religion
34:10 ReformCon '25 AD
34:56 A Distorted Faith
37:12 The Influence of Zoroastrianism/Ancient Dualism
43:10 Saoshayant: The Zoroastrian Messiah
43:47 Core Beliefs of Zoroastrianism
46:14 Salvation Without Atonement
49:34 Ahura Mazda: An Impersonal God
53:27 The True Seed of the Woman: Jesus Christ
59:23 Outro

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