7D2D Horde fight at Nuka Cola Factory.

1 month ago

Moral to the story don't do horde night while medicated. I made a base at the Nuka Cola Factory in the Wasteland Biome for the Day 14 Horde. I had a lot of radiated zombies show up and it was mostly boring. This clip is just the part where I ran outta shotgun shells and AK Ammo. They broke the hatch and overran my base. I didn't show the loot part because it was boring and was junk loot. I made that horde base there because it's a 5 skull POI and in the Wasteland thinking I would get better loot. I was wrong. I heard clicking the like button gives you good karma. :-) Thanks for clicking hope Ya'll have a great day!
Mods I am using from nexusmods.com: PeP Poi Expansion pack made by Krunch, izy gun pack, PGz Massive and boosted cities, GNS Beautiful bases, Danzo lootbag increase timer, Bdubs vehicles, Better vehicle upgrades Greybeards wrenchables and pickables.

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