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The Babylon Rothschilds
Cause Before Symptom - With Your Host James Carner
The Babylon Rothschilds
I believe I stumbled across the missing information that I was looking for when it comes to where did the usury banking system originate and was it pre dark age. The key that connects ancient Israel to modern day banking is the Radhanites. King Solomon’s reign was from 970–931 BCE and there were banking houses that formed right after Israel’s demise. Discovered in the 1800, were clay tablets of bank loans from Egibi & Sons Banking House and the Murashu Banking House. The terra cotta are Cuneiform tablets that proves fractional reserve lending and bank promissory notes existed back then. And, I have found the connections of the fake Jewish Silk Road travelers who used these banking devices all across and up from Iran and Persia to Europe in which they infiltrated the German houses proving the black nobility families were already working with the Radhanites who became the Aschkenazi jews in the 11th century.
On January 30, 1939 Adolf Hitler addressed a historical speech, in which he announced publicly for the first time his intention to exterminate the entire Jewish people. In his address he mentioned several times “the world Jewish capital” as the source of all humanity’s evil. Many researchers asserted that Hitler’s pathological hatred of the chosen people has derived from an imaginary paranoia from the allegedly economic magnitude of the Jews, who were in fact were a weak, scattered people without any political or sovereign rights.
A thousand years before Hitler projected his mental disturbances upon the Jews, there was an elite guild of Jewish merchants who held key positions and actually ruled the world’s economy; they spoke dozens of languages and had a worldwide trade network; determined to enhance their profit, they would go on any daring mission and travel any distance – those were the Radhanites.
Geo political circumstances in the 9th and 10th centuries gave the Radhanites a chance to head international economic elite. Following the expansion of the Abbasid Caliphate across Arab lands, the world was split: the Christian empire of Francia ruled the North West, whereas the Islamic empire ruled the south. Historian of the orient, Eliahu Ashtor, explained in a nut shell that they were “two hostile separated worlds”.
The insulation and the hostility between the two theocracies generated a critical change in commercial relations. Up until then, merchants could easily travel from the far east to the near east and Europe, then proceed to Spain and the Maghreb area. But the frequent wars in the Middle East disrupted the relations and trade routes and led in some cases to complete shutdown of the trade between the Islamic east and the Christian west.
This was the first harbinger of the rise of the Radhanite merchants, who spotted a business opportunity and were determined to use it. Ashtor writes: following the blocking of the Mediterranean sea for Christian traders, the Radhanite’s could take over. They could easily travel to and fro the two empires because they did not officially belong to neither of them; therefore they made perfect natural mediators. Historian Elinoar Bareket adds that at that period the Radhanites were neutral traders but also messengers who brought lots of income into many states, therefore had privileges from the French Carolingian dynasty and as well as from Muslim rulers. It appears that Jews thought of neutrality ages before the Swiss thought they invented it.
Where did the Radhanites come from and how they entered history? There are two explanations. Some historians claim that they came from Western Europe in the Rhine estuary, and that their name suggests Persian origin, meaning “way” or “path”. Others say that their origin is an ancient region of Radhan in modern days southern Iraq.
The first to ever record the story of the Radhanites was the Arab geographer Ibn Khordadbeh, who left a detailed description of their journeys in China, India, Persia, Francia and then in Spain and Morocco, back through the Maghreb lands and Egypt towards the Red Sea, and back to the east. They exported rare silk, sable and mongoose furs, all sorts of leather and pricey swords, which the people of the east admired in particular. On the opposite route they brought luxuries for the western rich and famous, such as nobles, kings and church seniors: exotic fruits, furs, corals, spices, healing ointments, and musk perfume, extracted from a deer’s glands. These long journeys were dangerous and costly, and required means, which only the Radhanites had as they were very wealthy. They were in fact a small exclusive guild with a firm financial safety net.
One famous periodic story tells about a Radhanite merchant called Isaac, who served as an interpreter in a delegation sent by Charles the Great to the Abbasid Caliph Harun al-Rashid, whose legendary character is the protagonist of the famous anthology “Arabian Nights”. As the delegation arrived at Baghdad, the Caliph held a festive reception and offered Charles the Great a rare present that was never seen in Francia, to express his respect – an enormous white elephant called Abu Abas. Isaac was ordered to take care of the elephant during the long trip back to the west. Before they took off he received specific instructions as to how to handle the rare beast and during the journey he was emotionally attached to the huge white good tempered animal. As they entered the doorway of the Aachen palace, the elephant attracted exciting responses; thousands of peasants heard about the giant beast and how it ate from his caretaker’s hand, and they came from far away to see the wonder.
The Radhanites not only traded in prestigious goods and set on diplomatic missions; they also traded in very profitable commodities, yet not as humane, such as slaves. Since in Francia is was forbidden for Jews to buy or sell Christian slaves, they traded in white pagan slaves from Slavic lands, that had high demand among the east and among the caliphs in Cordoba who just could resist them. Female white slaves were also much desired. In Spain they were even taught how to sing and play and given certain amount of education so that they can entertain their owners.
As a nation whose foundation story is about breaking free from slavery, it is appalling to picture a Jewish slave trader taking chained slaves to the fair, where they are going to be brutally castrated for money. On the other hand, the traders in question were a very small group, who certainly did not represent the entire Jewish people. But let us keep in mind, that under certain social conditions, generalizations result in paranoia, sometimes strong enough to last for a thousand years, and plant the seed of genocide in the mind of a psychopath wearing a mustache, not far from the palace where Isaac fed his pet, Abu Abas, the white elephant.
Even more anciently, this Babylonian Radhanite merchant-banker pagan religion began usury and human slavery in Kish, ca. 5300-4300 BC (the area of Babylon renamed Rādhān). The King of Kish was the first Babylonian king after the Great Flood. They renamed themselves “Ashkenazi Jews” in the 11th century to divert attention from their Babylonian Rādhānite pagan origins, we believe.
Elon Musk is rumored to be a Radhanite. Musk says “I believe in the God of Spinoza.” Baruch Spinoza was a pagan Babylonian Rādhānite merchant-banker in Amsterdam (1632-1677), and radical, supposedly “Sephardic” Jew with a 39-page Wikipedia currently. Nonetheless, Musk also says that as a little baby being baptized in the Church of England, he questioned (“what the hell?”) the Sacrament of Holy Communion. What little baby is self-aware enough to have such a life question? Or, were we hearing Elon’s demon speaking? Remember, the Babylonians worship Moloch and Ba’al that feeds on child sacrifice, and has done for a millenia. Jesus Christ, in his death, burial and resurrection was destroying that pagan Babylonian practice of human sacrifice.
Pioneering biblical critic, theorist of democracy, and legendary conflater of God and nature, Jewish philosopher Baruch Spinoza (1632-1677) was excommunicated by the Sephardic Jews of Amsterdam in 1656 for his “horrible heresies” and “monstrous deeds.” Yet, over the past three centuries, Spinoza’s rupture with traditional Jewish beliefs and practices has elevated him to a prominent place in genealogies of Jewish modernity. The First Modern Jew provides a riveting look at how Spinoza went from being one of Judaism’s most notorious outcasts to one of its most celebrated, if still highly controversial, cultural icons, and a powerful and protean symbol of the first modern secular Jew.
In his own day, Spinoza was branded a heretic and accused of trivialising God’s role in the universe and human affairs. Cast out of the Dutch Jewish community at the age of 23 for spouting “horrible heresies,” he opted for permanent outsider status by refusing to convert to Christianity. He disputed the existence of miracles and the afterlife and challenged the authority of the Bible. His Theologico-Political Treatise was condemned as “a book forged in hell… by the devil himself.” The Ethics was placed on the Catholic Church’s index of forbidden books.
* Spinoza's concept of God is not a transcendent being but rather the infinite substance of reality itself.
* Substance and attribute are not distinct entities but are different aspects or perspectives of the same thing.
* The unity of God is not a simple unity but a unity-in-diversity where infinite attributes express the same essence in infinite ways.
* Spinoza's geometrical method is critical for understanding his arguments and avoiding common misinterpretations.
Elon’s fascination with the God of Spinoza doesn’t appear to have any connections to the Radhanites nor does Spinoza, a jew, who seems to have come from Khazaria or Prussia. Elon Musk has mentioned his admiration for Baruch Spinoza, on several occasions. There are a few reasons why Musk might be drawn to Spinoza's ideas:
1. Rationalism and Scientific Thinking: Spinoza was a rationalist who believed in the power of reason and the importance of understanding the natural world through a logical, almost mathematical framework. This aligns with Musk's own emphasis on scientific inquiry, logical problem-solving, and his belief in the power of technology to solve human problems.
2. Pantheism and the Unity of Nature: Spinoza's philosophy often blurs the line between God and nature, suggesting that everything is part of a single, interconnected system. This idea resonates with Musk's vision of humanity as part of a larger cosmic context, especially given his interest in space exploration and making humanity a multi-planetary species.
3. Determinism: Spinoza was a determinist, believing that everything in the universe follows a chain of cause and effect. This perspective might appeal to Musk, who often approaches problems with a deterministic mindset, focusing on identifying and addressing root causes to achieve desired outcomes.
4. Ethics and Human Flourishing: Spinoza's work, particularly his Ethics, emphasizes the importance of understanding our emotions and striving for a life of reason and virtue. Musk, who often speaks about the importance of long-term thinking and the survival of humanity, might find Spinoza's focus on human flourishing and ethical living compelling.
5. Non-Conformity and Independent Thinking: Spinoza was a radical thinker who challenged the religious and philosophical norms of his time, even facing excommunication for his views. Musk, known for his unconventional ideas and willingness to challenge established industries (e.g., electric vehicles, space travel, neural technology), might admire Spinoza's intellectual courage and independence.
In summary, Musk's interest in Spinoza likely stems from a combination of shared values—rationalism, a focus on the interconnectedness of nature, determinism, and a commitment to human progress—as well as an appreciation for Spinoza's bold, independent thinking.
The Radhanites were early medieval Jewish merchants who were active in trade between Europe and the Muslim world from roughly the 8th to the 10th centuries. Their trade network stretched from Western Europe to India and China. The Radhanites were known for their extensive trade network, which connected the Frankish. While the Radhanites may have faded from historical records, their contribution to early medieval trade and cultural exchange was significant. They played a crucial role in connecting different parts of the world and facilitating the flow of goods, ideas, and knowledge.
Some things I found:
* Ibn Khordadbeh's account: The primary source of information about the Radhanites comes from the 9th-century Persian geographer Ibn Khordadbeh. He mentions the Radhanites in his book "Kitab al-Masalik wal-Mamalik" (Book of Roads and Kingdoms), but he doesn't provide a list of names.
* Mentions in other sources: The Radhanites are also mentioned in a few other sources, but these generally don't provide specific names either.
* Isaac the Radhanite: There's a story about a Radhanite merchant named Isaac who served as an interpreter for a delegation sent by Charlemagne to the Abbasid Caliph Harun al-Rashid. This story, while interesting, might be more legendary than historical.
While we don't have specific names, we can infer that the Radhanites were likely individuals with diverse backgrounds and skills. They were multilingual, knowledgeable about different cultures and regions, and skilled in negotiation and trade. They were pioneers in long-distance commerce and played a significant role in connecting different parts of the world.
Radhanite Trade Routes: The Radhanites' trade routes did pass through areas that are now part of Germany. That's an interesting thought, and it's certainly possible that the wealth generated through trade, including the kind facilitated by the Radhanites, played a role in the rise of later European dynasties. However, it's important to be cautious about drawing direct causal links.
Here's a breakdown of the complexities:
* Timeline: The Radhanites were most active from the 8th to the 10th centuries. The dynasties you mentioned (Habsburgs, Hohenzollerns, etc.) rose to prominence much later, generally from the 13th century onwards. This means there was a significant time gap between the Radhanites' activities and the major rise of these dynasties.
* Indirect Influence: While there might not be a direct link, it's plausible that the broader economic environment shaped by trade, including the kind carried out by the Radhanites, contributed indirectly to the conditions that allowed these dynasties to flourish.
* Other Factors: The rise of these dynasties was influenced by a multitude of factors, including:
* Political maneuvering: Strategic alliances, marriages, and conquests played a crucial role.
* Economic developments: Changes in agricultural practices, technological innovations, and the growth of cities were important.
* Social structures: The evolving relationships between different social classes also mattered.
* No specific evidence: There's no historical evidence to specifically suggest that these dynasties directly benefited from the Radhanites' trade or that the Radhanites were a major factor in their rise.
In summary:
* While it's possible that the general economic activity spurred by trade, including that of the Radhanites, indirectly contributed to the context in which later dynasties rose, there's no clear evidence to link them directly.
* The rise of the Habsburgs, Hohenzollerns, and other dynasties was a complex process driven by many factors beyond just long-distance trade.
Maybe the Habsburgs, Hohenzollerns, Wittelsbachs, Wettin and Luxembourgs used the Radhanites’ trade to become the next Babylonian bankers via the dark ages. Essentially, the Radhanites were part of the larger picture of trade and exchange that characterized the Silk Road era, but their activities went beyond just the traditional Silk Road routes. This means they were huge. Could there be a connection to the five German houses pre black nobility to come up with a plan for world domination back then? And maybe the Radhanites are the zionist jews who predate Ashkenazi Jews.
Could be something, could be nothing. But the phrase “British Babylonian Radhanite Merchant Banker Pagans” has crossed my steps many times. Also, could this be how the Khazars infiltrated China and India for their control? There is a connection to King Solomon and his love of money. The jews learned in the desert how to create wealth by loans and interest. Solomon could have taken this lesson and created promissory notes along the Silk Road to expand his Kingdom. The Radhanite’s could have been his banker branches opening up more trade worldwide which could be the reason Solomon became the King of the World. The Radhanites then, after the temple was destroyed, continued the usery and eventually wound up in Frankish or Modern Day Germany which then their name became extinct but the Ashkenazi’s and Rothschild’s came into power right around the same time of the disappearance.
The Banking Houses of 600 BC
Egibi & Sons Banking House
Picture 1
The Banking House of Egibi & Sons trafficked in slaves. Here on a Cuneiform tablet: an agreement is made regarding disposition of purchased slaves, Egibi archive ca. 540 BC. This contract is part of 1700 tables of The House of Egibi Bankers from Babylon.
Murashu Banking House
Picture 2
This is the front of a banking receipt for the partial payment of a year's rent on lands leased to the Murasu & Sons banking firm. The payer representing the firm, however, is otherwise unattested. Naqqitu, daughter of Murasu, is mentioned. The fragment dates itself to 9/5/24 Artaxerxes |= Aug. 8, 436 B.C.) and Naqqitu's patronym allows her to be placed in the same generation as Murasu sons. This item is among 879 well-preserved terra cotta tablets of business records of the powerful Babylonian "Jewish" bankers Murasu & Sons. The 19th century historian Zenaïde Alexeievna Ragozina (1834-1924) termed the contemporaneous "Jewish" Banking House of Agibi & Sons analogous to "Babylonian Rothschilds" whose more than 3,000 terra-cotta jars of
banking records were unearthed in 1874 A.D.
By then, Exodus Jews had so long intermingled with the surrounding pagan populations along the Silk Road that they had become Bablylonian, Turkic, Sogdian, even some Chinese by blood according to new genetic findings. 1500 years later they were called "Rhadanites" (meaning from the vicinity of Babylon), were still Silk Road bankers and merchants, and shared ancestral blood with the Turkic Khazarian tribes, guardians of a new "northern route" of the Silk Road. In short, they lost their Hebrew identity 1500 years before their rebranding as "Azhkenazi" ca. 1000 A.D. following the disruption of the "southern route" of the Silk Road, the conquest of Babylon by the Seljuk Turk Moslems and the Seljuk loss of Jerusalem in the First Crusade (1096-1099 A.D.).
Most of the Babylonian Radhanite Pagan Merchant Banking evidence was supposedly destroyed by the British Wast India Company in 1855. Contemporaneous to the discovery of these Egibi archives was the earlier disappearance of 56 tons of Babylonian antiquities in May 1855 called the “Al-Qurnah Disaster.” It was allegedly orchestrated by Sir Henry (“Indiana Jones”) Rawlinson of the British East India Company. The current curator of the British Museum, Irving Finkel, gave Rawlinson this discrediting title. Rawlinson was evidently tasked to destroy the evidence proving the connection between The City of London and pagan Babylonian Radhanite merchant-banking.
Between the 3rd and 6th century AD, the Babylonian fake Jewish Radhanites created an alternative to the Torah and named it the Babylonian Talmud. The Talmud essentially replaced the Torah for the fake Jews of Babylon. It empowered rabbis at the expense of the Torah and the Prophets. It sanctioned thousands of exemptions and justifications for usury, interest, debt, slavery and empowered rabbis to define their Judaism however they liked. They became the Jewish version of the church of the prosperity gospel.
Now we must roll the history timeline forward 1,200 years to ca. 870 A.D. when Babylonian geographer (mentioned earlier), spy chief and post master Ibn Khordadbeh wrote Book of Roads and Kingdoms. He described four main trade routes used by the Radhanites. The four routes span Scandinavia, England, France and Spain in the west through Russia, Germany Poland, Byzantium, Khazaria and Egypt thorough Russia, Middle East and Indian Ocean in the east then to China. In short, the thoroughly pagan Babylonian Radhanites controlled money and merchant-banking throughout the known world by leveraging their control of Solomon’s gold.
The Radhanites maintained a veneer of Jewishness (in the good Sabbatean and Frankian spirit of the time), but by the time Ibn Khordadbeh wrote Book of Roads and Kingdoms their credibility at being ostensibly Jewish was waning. The façade was not fooling anyone. As the conflicts between the Babylonian Persians and the Muslim Seljuk Turks to their east ramped up, the Radhanites made arrangements to open a northern Silk Road route to Europe. It was a hedge against the day when Babylon might fall to the Seljuk Turks.
In that context, they convinced their northern pagan neighbors in Khazaria, Crimea to “convert” to Judaism and open that route. This faux conversion (a pragmatic business deal, pagan to pagan) of the Khazarians in 861 A.D. cemented the northern route for the Babylonian Radhanites. It insured their continued flow of commerce to Russia and Europe.
Babylon (by then renamed Baghdad) fell to the Seljuk Turks in 1055 A.D., but the Radhanites had already secured their northern route on the Silk Road through Khazaria for several hundred years before falling in 960 A.D. to Grand Prince Sviatoslav (Sviatoslav I Igorevich), ruler of the Rus kingdom (Kievan Rus, r. 945-972 A.D.), who were not unfriendly to Silk Road trade.
By the 10th Century, the Babylonian Talmudic merchant-banker “Jews” also created a secret trading language called Yiddish. Yiddish allowed them to replace Sogdian and continue controlling the Silk Road merchant-banker trade with a unique language only the insiders knew the definition of insider trading! One Yiddish whisper, sent by fast pony along the Silk Road, could raise or lower commodity prices at will. This ensured the Yiddish fake Jewish Babylonian Radhanite merchant-banking houses always got their way. By this time, these Babylonian Radhanite merchant-bankers had an image problem as well as a practical one.
They needed somewhere besides Baghdad (Babylon) to store their Solomonic gold, and with their aquiline hooked-nose genetic peculiarity, they no longer looked like Semitic Jews. In Western Europe, the fake Jew façade of these ancient Babylonian Radhanite pagan merchant-bankers had become obvious.
Aschkenazi, 11Th Century
Then, in the 11th century, these hooked-nose Babylonian Radhanite merchant-banker pagans rebranded themselves as “Ashkenazi” Jews. Thus began the historic connection between Ashkenazi "Jews" and hooked-noses. Quite a blood hoax.
“Ashkenazi” was made up in the 11th century
Ashkenaz was a great grandson of Noah, he was not a separate Semitic bloodline. In other words, the label “Ashkenazi Jew” was made up by Babylonian Radhanite merchant-bankers to pretend to be Jewish for credibility purposes with their Christian and Muslim customers. The Ashkenazi "tribe" was fabricated by Babylonian Radhanite merchant bankers to promote a “Jewish" identity while hiding their paganism. In other words, their trading story of being Jewish converts had lost credibility, so they cooked up “Ashkenazi” as a fresh “Jewish” identity. To further confuse this made-up identity makeover, they convinced their fellow pagan Khazarians in the Crimea to ostensibly convert to Judaism as well. This Khazarian “conversion” never ran deep and was a business move so as to be included in the lucrative deal-making, trading and banking on the Silk Road. Modern DNA evidence proves that Ashkenazi Jews are neither Hebrew nor even Semitic. Notably, the Rothschild families systematically refuse to submit to DNA tests. Now we know why.
Babylonian Radhanite pagan merchant-bankers were already arrayed across Western Europe and were funding innumerable wars. In various archive writings they are referred to as: Radknights, Rodknights (Bracton’s text), Riding knights, Riding sergeants, Radman, Radechenistre, Radchenistres, Radmanni, the thegns, the drengs, Radcnicts, Reteyners, and Geneats. See also Radknights. (Accessed Apr. 07, 2023). Domesday Book Glossary. The National Archives (UK). The political disunity in medieval England likely drove the Radhanites to concentrate on seizing control of the disunited English counties. This worked. They gained their ascendancy of the "Shires" at about the time of a weak Edward the Confessor (1003-1066 A.D.): WESSEX, MERCIA, EAST ANGLIA, WALES: Bedfordshire, Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Cambridgeshire, Cheshire, Cornwall, Cumberland, Derbyshire, Devon, Dorset, Durham, East Anglia, East Riding, East Saxons, Essex, Gloucester, Hampshire, Hampshire, Herefordshire, Huntingdonshire, Kent, Lancashire, Leicestershire , Lincolnshire, Mercia, Middle Saxons, Middlesex, Norfolk, North Riding, Northamptonshire, Northumberland, Northumbria, Nottinghamshire, Oxfordshire, Rutland, Shropshire, Somerset, Somerset, South Saxons, Staffordshire, Suffolk, Surrey, Sussex, Wales, Warwickshire, West Riding, Westmorland, Wiltshire, and Worcester.
The seat of the Treasury under the Anglo-Saxons was the landlocked City of Winchester, 60 miles south west of London, 14 miles from Southampton. The “Radknights” centered themselves in the City of London and among the Anglo-Saxon barons. Some were manor owners themselves. The Domesday Book verifies that in the vast estate of Berkeley, Gloucestershire - "There were 29 Radknights, 162 villeins, 147 bordiers, 22 coliberts, 161 male and female serfs, besides some unenumerated men of the radknights. At Edward the Confessors’ death on Jan. 05, 1066, William I from Normandy, France, challenged for the throne and won at the Battle of Hastings on Oct. 14, 1066. William I renamed himself "William the Conqueror" at his coronation at Westminster Abbey on Dec. 25, 1066. Radknights were arrayed across the propertied barony estates of England, France, Belgium, Denmark, German and Scandinavia. They did exactly what the “Jewish” merchant-banker Radhanites had done in Babylon for millennia (taxes, property, contracts, money lending, usury, tribute, spying, propaganda, war, police, law, etc.) to maintain their control over the economy.
Curiously, the term “radknight” first came into use at this time. One of William the Conqueror’s first acts after his coronation on Dec. 25, 1066 was to given a charter to The City of London in 1067: “William the king, friendly salutes William the bishop and Godfrey the portreeve and all the burgesses within London both French and English. And I declare that I grant you to be all law-worthy, as you were in the days of King Edward; And I grant that every child shall be his father’s heir, after his father’s days; And I will not suffer any person to do you wrong; God keep you”
The document reflected William's recognition of the importance of London, and its concentration of trade and wealth, which he wished to safeguard. Port-reeve is “port warden” possessing authority over a town; Lord Geoffrey I de Mandeville, portreeve, Sire of Essex, Constable of the Tower of London. William the Bishop of London was William the Norman (d. 1075) consecrated in 1051. Burgesses were members of the City of London governing council. Inherited titles within The City of London were to be inherited from father to son in perpetuity. Most certainly The City of London was controlled by pagan Babylonian Radhanite merchant-bankers who had been trading there for centuries, as numerous early histories verify.
Indeed, English translations of Ibn Khordadbeh's work Book of Roads and Kingdoms were circulating, hence the French and English did not even bother to change their name: they were Radknight banker-merchants from Babylon, the anglicized version of Radhanites. Everybody knew that. These Rad-knights, sometimes called "Riding knights" took several forms. If they were tough and burly, they became the King’s armed fighting soldiers managed by the lords of the manor—Knights. If they were small in stature, they handled the King’s business and finances also as “Riding knights” who accompanied the lord of the manor in enforcing tax collection and property management for the lord and the king.
Whether these knights were pagans or Jewish, made no difference to the barons and king, they collected the loans and taxes with interest. In this milieu, these “Radknights” reinforced their Talmudic, Yiddish-speaking Babylonian Jewish veneer by renaming themselves “Ashkenazi Jews” replete with their Sogdian aquiline noses. In this way, Babylonian Radhanite merchant bankers pagans: maintained their respectability as one of the "Big Three" Abrahamic religions, avoided the stigma of being pagans who worshiped a pantheon of demon-gods, most notably Mammon, Moloch, Lucifer, Asmodeus, Lilith, Ishtar, Arhiman and Ba’al (even though they continued to practice their demon worship in secret societies), had an excuse to speak Yiddish to negotiate merchant-banking deals uncontrolled by Christians, could use “pogroms” as the perennial excuse for crashing markets overburdened by their compound debt instruments, and used the anti-Semitic epithet if they were ever criticized too aggressively (today the Anti-Defamation League—ADL). Rad-knights disappeared almost overnight from history, but knighthoods became a staple for the Yiddish insiders merchant-banker smoker clubs in The City of London.
The aristocratic title of knight survives to this day as a reward for cooperative demonic conduct, and as a hedge against betrayal of their secrets. Wikipedia volunteers that “The Radhanites had mostly disappeared by the end of the 10th century.” Wikipedia lies.
Truth is, as we have shown, the Radknights took over The City of London after 1067. They also moved Solomon’s gold to London that is today called the London Bullion Market. That gold has since been supplemented by Nazi and Yamasheta gold. Lord JAcob Rothschild and Baron Michael Farmer (Candace Owens' newly-minted father-in-law) oversee this gold for the Pilgrims Society.
After The City of London charter, William the Conqueror ordered a comprehensive census called The Domesday Book to catalog all property and wealth in England so he could tax and control it. The Rad-knights, by then renamed Ashkenazi "Jews" were only too willing to facilitate the national inventory. “The king acquired an exact knowledge of all the possessions of the crown. Sound like the IRS, Federal Reserve, H.M. Treasury prison planet? See Edward Baines, Esq. M.P. (1836). History of the County Palatine and Duchy of Lancaster, pdf p. 131. Deane Church. Baines says The Domesday Book was commissioned in 1080 A.D. and completed in two volumes in 1086. According to The National Archives (UK), the tax rad-knights cum Ashkenazi "Jews" asked these questions:
* What is the manor called?
* Who held it in the time of King Edward (in 1066)?
* Who holds it now (in 1086)?
* How many hides [one hide is 120 acres] are there?
* How many plough (team)s on the demesne (local lord’s own land) and among the men (rest of the village)?
* How many free men, sokemen, villans, cotta[ge]rs, slaves?
* How much woodland, meadow, pasture, mills, fisheries?
* How much has been added to or taken away from the manor?
* How much was the whole worth (1066) and how much now (1086)?
* How much had or has each freeman and each sokeman?
* All the above questions to be recorded three times: in the time of King Edward (1066), when William gave it (often 1066), and now (1086).
And whether more can be had than is had (in other words, can the manor raise more tax revenue)? As they had done back to Babylon, millennia earlier, the Babylon Radhanite merchant-bankers ordered a full inventory of the properties that they would tax and dominate. What did those early English Babylonian Radhanite merchant-bankers class(cum newly-minted Ashkenazi "Jews") do with their fresh English victims? They loaned them money to march off to the Holy Land to try and defeat the Seljuk Turks who had conquered both (their) Babylon and Jerusalem.
With the seizure of England and England’s navy, the Babylonian Radhanites quickly abandoned their interest in the Khazarian northern route to China. No doubt they were confident that the Crusaders would defeat the Seljuk Turks, retake Babylon, and reestablish their southern route on the Silk Road. Remarkably, in the first Crusade, the Crusaders discovered in the Siege of Antioch the Holy Lance used by St. Longinus to pierce the side of Christ. Instructed in a dream, they carried the lance to the promised victory against the Seljuk Turk occupiers in Jerusalem.
With the ascendancy of England as a maritime power for trade, banking, money and war, the next 1200 years to today was set in motion for the Babylonian Radhanite merchant-banker pagans. These same merchant-bankers supplied the investment for America’s first four banks founded by Alexander Hamilton—British Spy No. 7, thus locking in America to the demonic British stranglehold of Mammon. Hamilton's first American banks were:
* Bank of North America (1781), now Wells Fargo
* Bank of New York (1784), not BNY Mellon
* First Bank of the United States (1791), now BNY Mellon, Citizens, HSBC, Barings, Rothschild
* The Manhattan Company (1799), now JPMorgan Chase
On Jun. 05-28,1909, the British Babylonian-Radhanites merchant-bankers updated their control of intelligence, propaganda, Reuters, AP, biowarfare and technology through the Pilgrims Society and their First Imperial Press Conference, 1909. The City of London Corporation's tyranny is controlled by Babylonian-Radhanite merchant-bankers who worship the demon-gods of Babylon via the Pilgrims Society. The demons who control America’s banks are named in this article. They dwell in The City of London Corporation and are directed by the Pilgrims Society.
Back to Elon Musk. The Spinoza effect is a philosophical theory that describes how a body's power of action is increased or decreased by interactions with other bodies. This theory is based on the work of Baruch Spinoza, who defined the term "affect" to describe these interactions. Spinoza defined affects as modifications or variations in a body that increase or decrease its power of action. These modifications are also known as affections of the body. Spinoza dismisses “sensual pleasure” together with riches and fame, of which we know from his life how little they meant for him. “With these three the mind is so absorbed that it has little power to reflect on any different good.” In fact, Spinoza seems to consider the drawbacks of sensual pleasures to be more evident than those of riches and fame. I saw that all these ordinary objects of desire would be obstacles in the way of a search for something different and new - nay, that they were so opposed thereto, that either they or it would have to be abandoned. “It [Spinoza’s view] insists that morality has nothing to do with the commands of a supremely powerful being, and that it does not require a priesthood…to sustain it.” “[Spinoza’s philosophy] rejects the idea of a personal God who created, cares about and occasionally even tinkers with the world.”
Elon could be hinting that he believes in an idea of a creator but it’s not really involved in our day to day matters. Perhaps this is the philosophy of the Babylon bankers and their shrewed way of usery. Instead of religious, the bankers recognize there is creationism but whatever God is there, steers clear of human’s affairs thus they see no reason not to exploit the financial world. Perhaps Elon mocks satanism with his costumes as silly religious belief systems and affirms the usery as just until the people rise up and make the change. His philosophy could match his handlers in London who believe the same unless the digital mafia took over long outstanding Babylonian Bankers which can be proved through Solomon’s Radhanites.
Sources: Matthew W. Stolper. (Oct. 01, 1976). The Genealogy of the Murasu Family (leading Jewish banker in Babylon ca. 5th century B.C.), Journal of Cuneiform Studies,
Vol. 28, No. 4, 12 pgs. The University of Chicago Press. Source:; See also Zénaïde Alexeievna Ragozina (1834-1924). (1888). The Story of Media, Babylon, and Persia, including the history of The Banking House of Egibi & Sons (ca., 602-486 B.C.), Babylon. G.P. Putnam's Sons (NY, London).
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