1 month ago

Illegal Alien released in New York Courts plea deal after raping sleeping woman
But, when he thought he had gotten away with it, the Feds stepped in.

Illegal Alien Kail Cardenas was grabbed in a Homeland Security raid this past Monday morning. This was only after a Queens court reduced rape to a misdemeanor and kicked him loose. This guy is an Illegal Alien from Ecuador. He somehow cut a deal with Queens prosecutors that allowed him to dodge jail time for rape — but the Feds had a different idea.

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It seems Cardenas came to America back in 2016 on a visitor visa and decided to ‘stick around’ even after his visa had expired. “Hundreds of thousands of Illegal Aliens are people who overstay their visitor or work visas.” Says David Atwell of Customs & Immigration. He goes on to say, “We don’t monitor ‘overstays’ although we really should. Under the Biden Administration we were ordered not to.”

Cardenas had been charged with molesting a woman who passed out at an apartment party in the Jamaica section of New York City on Jan. 29, 2023. The victim testified that, after passing out from too much liquor, she awoke to find Cardenas raping her.

Prosecutors had recovered Instagram messages between the victim and Cardenas in which he stated “he saw [her] sleeping” and “began touching [her] body,”. This b@st@rd confessed and even bragged about raping a sleeping woman. Prosecutors had this Bean-Bender dead to rights in what should have been a slam dunk conviction. It’s too bad that doesn’t work anymore.

Cardenas was arrested and charged with first-degree rape and first-degree sexual assault. Either of these charges bears sentencing between 5 and 25 years in state prison if convicted. Lucky for Cardenas, but not for you and me, he was allowed to plea bargain where he plead guilty to a lesser charge of 3rd degree rape and was sentenced to a year of sex offender counseling with no jail time if he completed the course.

Ready? His charges were then knocked down to a 3rd degree misdemeanor; sexual abuse. Cardenas was sentenced on January 13 to time served in jail and was released, free and clear. No probation of any kind … just free as a bird. Oh, the court did issue an order of protection for him to stay away from the victim. Now that’s what I call justice … NOT!

His “Get out of jail free” card expired on Monday of this week when he was busted by a coalition of federal agencies. A column of DEA and ATF agents were on hand to assist NYPD and ICE in a mass arrest that netted this animal.

Guess who’s headed for Guantanamo!

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