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168.20250202 The 9/11 WarRoom: Senate Hearings Question 9/11 "Conspiracy Theories"
168.20250202 The 9/11 WarRoom Notes
=Corporate 9/11 News===============
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Some clips from the Senate hearings that cover some interesting exchanges on 9/11:
1. Kash Patel Grilled About Calling Robert Mueller a "Swamp Creature"
2. Kash Patel's Association with 9/11 Conspiracy Theorist Laura Loomer
3. Senator Kaine Grills RFK Jr. on His 9/11 Post on X
4. Tulsi Gabbard on the Creation of ODNI After 9/11 Intelligence Failures
5. Senator Wicker Asks Tulsi Gabbard About "Stovepiping" of 9/11 Intelligence
6. Senator Kelly Questions Tulsi Gabbard on U.S. Support for Terrorist Groups
7. Senator Mullin Defends Questioning Science at RFK Jr. Hearing
8. Howard Lutnick discussing losing his brother and 657 other friends and colleagues of Cantor Fitzgerald on 9/11. Note: The Secretary of Commerce oversees @NIST
1.) Kash Patel grilled about calling Robert Mueller, "a swamp creature".
During my time on this committee, I was fortunate to get to know and work with former FBI Director Bob Mueller. I met him a few days after 9/11, when he took over the FBI. I trusted him, worked with him, and did everything I could to help him because I believed the FBI was the critical central agency in restoring America's confidence that we were safe.
Bob Mueller was an extraordinary man. He was a Republican—make no bones about it. He said it, admitted it, and I knew it. He comes from the San Francisco area, and when he was in college, he had a friend a year ahead of him who enlisted in the Marine Corps and was killed in Vietnam. Bob was inspired to do the same—he joined the Marine Corps. He became a First Lieutenant in Vietnam, received a Bronze Star with a Valor pin, and also received a Purple Heart after being injured in battle.
I read about his experience because after he recovered from his wound, he returned to combat. He was just that kind of fellow—regardless of party, he was a real American. He was a longtime federal prosecutor, a U.S. Attorney, the head of the DOJ's Criminal Division, and Acting Deputy Attorney General before he became head of the FBI. After 9/11, I worked with him. We had a good, professional relationship. We didn’t always see eye to eye, but I respected him immensely for what he had given to this country.
In this book, Mr. Patel calls Director Bob Mueller, quote, "a swamp creature." With all due respect, Mr. Patel, I have not worn the uniform of this country, and neither have you. To think that you would denigrate Bob Mueller’s service to our country and call him a "swamp creature" is an indication of the depths to which your political views have sunk.
The FBI plays a critical role in keeping America safe from terrorism, violent crime, and other threats. Our nation needs an FBI Director who understands the gravity of this mission and is ready on day one—not someone consumed by their own personal political grievances. The American people deserve an FBI Director focused on keeping our families safe from terrorism, drug trafficking, and violent crime—not the checklist of grievances we find in this book.
Mr. Patel, your record makes it clear: you are not that person. I yield.
2.) Kash Patel's association with 9/11 conspiracy theorist Laura Loomer
Mr. Patel, you have frequently associated with and, at times, praised extremist figures with well-documented histories of racism, anti-Semitism, conspiracy theories, and similar views. In September 2023, you appeared with Laura Loomer at an event promoting your book. At this event, you shared a photo of yourself with Ms. Loomer, in which you held her book and she held yours.
Just a few months before this event, Ms. Loomer posted on X that the September 11 terrorist attacks were, quote, "an inside job." Around that same time, she accused Florida's First Lady, Casey DeSantis, of exaggerating her cancer diagnosis to gain voter sympathy. A number of my Republican colleagues on this committee have criticized Ms. Loomer’s extremism. One of my colleagues described her as a, quote, "crazy conspiracy theorist who regularly utters disgusting garbage." Another called her "really toxic."
Given all of this, why did you associate with Ms. Loomer?
Senator, as you can see, I took a photograph with an individual who showed up at a book event. I do not believe I am guilty by association, and I certainly do not believe that an individual who was the first minority to serve as the Deputy Director of National Intelligence for this country is a racist in any way. I detest any conjecture to the contrary.
3.) Senator Kaine grills RFK Jr. on 9/11 post on X.
I drove to the airport at 6:30 this morning, crossed the bridge over the Potomac, and saw the recovery operation underway in daylight hours. It made me think about the last big aviation disaster in Virginia—when, on 9/11, a plane slammed into the Pentagon. Virginia suffered greatly that day, as did the entire nation.
Just a couple of months ago, you posted this on your X account:
"On 9/11, it's hard to tell what is conspiracy theory and what isn’t."
Mr. Chair, I’d like to introduce that for the record.
We take that kind of statement personally. Virginians know what happened on 9/11. We don’t need people giving oxygen to conspiracy theories about it.
Now, one thing I noticed about this post is that it was made in July 2024—23 years after 9/11. At the time, you had a lot going on in your life. You were running for president. With everything happening in this country, in this world, and in your own campaign, what made you decide that July 2024 was the right time to suggest it’s hard to tell what is conspiracy and what isn’t about 9/11?
The dramatic drop in trust in our government, particularly—one of the templates for that is what happened at the CDC—
No, no, I want to move aside from that, because you went on to say:
"I won’t take sides. As president, I won’t take sides on 9/11."
Wow. You won’t take sides on 9/11.
Let me ask you this, as a general matter—do you often find it hard to tell what is a conspiracy theory and what isn’t? Is that a general deficit in your own analytical abilities?
My father told me when I was 13 years old that people in authority lie, and that the job of a citizen in every democracy is fierce skepticism.
Okay, okay—I understand skepticism of government authority. And yet, you are now in a position of authority. You have openly admitted you won’t take sides on 9/11. And here you are saying you have a hard time distinguishing conspiracy theory from reality.
Senator, I haven’t investigated it. When I investigate something, I take sides. People are allowed to hold their opinions. I’m not going to tell them they’re crazy for holding an opinion. I will ask, "What is your evidence?" And if I hear the evidence, I will say, "That doesn’t make any sense."
So, you won’t take sides on 9/11? Wow.
4.) Tulsi Gabbard on the creation of ODNI
I also know the heavy cost of intelligence failures and abuses.
Senator Collins, you led the creation of ODNI specifically to address those intelligence failures of 9/11 and Iraq's so-called WMDs. The need for the ODNI under strong leadership still exists today.
If confirmed, I'll bring my experience and fresh eyes to leading the intelligence community, and my day-one priorities will be to assess the global threat environment, identify where gaps in our intelligence exist, integrate intelligence elements, increase information sharing, and ensure unbiased, apolitical, and objective collection and analysis to support the president and policymakers in their decision-making.
5.) Senator Wicker asks Tulsi Gabbard about "stovepiping" over 9/11 intelligence.
Colonel Gabbard, I was a member of the House of Representatives on 9/11, 2001. As a matter of fact, I was at the Pentagon that very morning when the attacks happened. Where were you? We all remember where we were.
Yes, I was in Hawaii. There was a five- or six-hour time difference, so when I woke up that morning, it was several hours later. I remember the first thing I saw upon waking up was that horrific footage of those airplanes attacking the Twin Towers in New York City.
You’ve obviously read a lot about it over the 24-plus years since, as have most Americans. There’s a general consensus that there was a massive intelligence failure—this caught us all by surprise, even though the World Trade Center had been attacked earlier. Do you think stovepiping was a problem in our intelligence failure?
There's no question about it, Senator.
Oh, OK. Based on your reading—could you elaborate?
Absolutely, Senator. When we look back at the post-9/11 reporting and the assessments that were made, it became very clear that stovepiping of information and intelligence occurred at many levels—at the highest, but also at the lowest levels. Information collected by the FBI and information collected by the CIA were not being shared. It was almost like ships passing in the night. If those intelligence elements had been integrated and the information had been shared, it is highly likely that that horrific attack could have been prevented. That is, in fact, the very reason this position was created.
There’s been some discussion this morning—I haven’t been able to listen in fully—but I understand there’s been talk about reforming the Office of the Director of National Intelligence to eliminate redundancy and increase effectiveness. Do you worry that, in doing so, we might be getting back to the same problem we had in 2001?
The problem we had in 2001, Senator, remains at the forefront of my mind. As you said, this is exactly why the ODNI was created. Given my limited vantage point from outside the role, I am concerned that stovepiping is still a problem that needs to be addressed. In some cases, my concern is that unnecessary bureaucratic layers may actually be contributing to the problem. This is why it’s essential to take a fresh look, using my experience and background, to ensure that the ODNI is accomplishing what it was originally created to do.
And I have a lot of suggestions about how to make the Department of Defense more efficient as well. Before I move on to that, I would simply caution you that as we work to eliminate overlaps, we must also avoid returning to the very problem that led to the creation of your agency in the first place.
6.) Senator Kelly inquires with Tulsi Gabbard that the U.S. Government supports terrorist groups
In 2016, you gave an interview in which you said, and I quote, "The U.S. is providing direct and indirect support to terrorist groups in order to overthrow the Syrian government."
And in 2019, on the Democratic presidential debate stage, you said of President Trump, and I quote, "This current president is continuing to betray us. We were supposed to be going after al Qaeda, but over years now not only have we not gone after al Qaeda, our president is supporting al Qaeda."
So I’m interested to hear—what was your goal in saying these things? And before making these claims, did you consider the motives of Iran and Russia and what their objectives might have been?
Senator, as someone who enlisted in the military specifically because of al Qaeda’s terrorist attack on 9/11 and committed my life to doing what I could to defeat these terrorists, it was shocking—and a betrayal—to me, to every person who was killed on 9/11, to their families, and to my brothers and sisters in uniform.
As a member of Congress, I learned about President Obama’s dual programs that were aimed at overthrowing the Syrian regime. Through the CIA’s Timber Sycamore program—now publicly known—our government was working with, arming, and equipping al Qaeda in an effort to overthrow that regime, starting yet another regime change war in the Middle East.
The Department of Defense’s train-and-equip program, also initiated under President Obama, has been widely studied and documented. It resulted in over half a billion dollars being used to train so-called "moderate rebels"—fighters who were actually aligned with al Qaeda’s affiliate on the ground in Syria. This was all done to advance a regime change agenda, despite clear warnings that such efforts would likely lead to the rise of Islamist extremists like al Qaeda taking power.
History has shown this pattern repeatedly. The regime change wars in Iraq, the toppling of Gaddafi in Libya, and Mubarak in Egypt—all of whom were dictators—led to dangerous power vacuums that were quickly filled by extremist groups.
I shed no tears for the fall of the Assad regime, but today, we now have an Islamist extremist in charge of Syria—someone who openly celebrated the 9/11 attacks in the streets.
7.) Senator Mullin asks why we can't question science at RFK Jr. hearing.
I don’t understand why my colleagues all of a sudden say we can’t question science. It absolutely blows my mind that suddenly it’s unacceptable for Bobby to sit here and question science. Because I guarantee you, if he were sitting here being considered for Secretary of HHS under former President Biden—which, by the way, I enjoy saying "former president"—I bet you all would have his back 100%. You would probably support his positions completely. But now, because he’s on the Republican side, you act like he’s way off the rails. How dare he question science? My God, if we didn’t question science, where would we be today? Science has always been questioned. It’s always evolving. One day they tell you to have a glass of wine a day—it’s good for you. The next day, they tell you not to. Dark chocolate is healthy—until it’s not. Take an aspirin a day—until they change their mind. Senator Rand Paul pointed this out before. Where would we be today if we never questioned science? But I’ll say this—there’s an issue that I have as a father of six. When my kids come out of the doctor’s office from getting their vaccines, they look like a freaking pin cushion. Seventy-two vaccinations. I think there’s a reason we should be questioning this. When you start looking at the rise of autism, why wouldn’t we look at everything? Who wouldn’t want to look at everything? Give me one person in this room who doesn’t personally know someone whose child suffers from some severity of autism. Just one. And yet, you’re all saying that Bobby can’t question it? I don’t get it, guys. I don’t understand your point—other than the fact that you just oppose him because he supports a president you don’t like. I applaud him for going into this situation and saying, "Let’s question something." The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Is it not true that we are supposed to question science? Is anybody going to question the fact that that’s not true?
8.) Howard Lutnick opening statement at Senate hearing for commerce secretary discussing losing his brother and 657 other friends and colleagues of Cantor Fitzgerald on 9/11. Note: The Secretary of Commerce oversees
===9/11 TRUTH MOVEMENT NEWS============
Northwest/Southwest RG911 Truth Mini-Tour - Boise, ID (Live Speaking Engagements) & Las Vegas, NV (Jake Shields Fight-Back Podcast)
AE911Truth's Declaration of Integrity for the Scientific Integrity Act Initiative
Humpday Hangout: Politics and Tactics with Congressman Curt Weldon
===9/11 TRUTH EVENTS============
-Feb 6, 6:30PM ET, Boston 9/11 Truth Interviews Nelson Martens, email
-Feb 20, 6:30PM ET, Boston 9/11 Truth Interviews Joe Olson
-Mar 20, 6:30PM ET, Boston 9/11 Truth Interviews Dan Noel
-Feb 11, 8PM ET, TAP Talk Special Presentation with Guest Speakers: The Psychology of Truth: Understanding Cognitive Dissonance in a World of Lies with Fran Shure and Marti Hopper
-Feb 18, 8PM ET, TAP Talk Roundtable: "Our American Emergency" - Strenghtening Ties for Action!Truth Action Project
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