American Man Brand #2 (w/ Enrique Tarrio and Stewart Rhodes, Mason Courson, Adam Villareal, David Clements, Coach)

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Rufio crosses the USA.
Follow Rufio on: Facebook @Ethan Nordean Instagram @AmericanManBrand Rumble @American Man Brand YouTube @American Man Brand Support Ethan at: J6er and Proud Boy, Ethan Nordean, Faced 18 years in Federal Prison. Now A Free Man, He Embarks on a New Journey to Make America Proud Again. Just a few months ago, Ethan “Rufio” Nordean would stare at the ceiling of his 10X10 prison cell, never knowing what his life would be like after receiving a 18 year sentence for being at the Capitol on January 6th andfalsely accused of crimes he never committed by a corrupt DOJ. Father, Husband, Son and Proud American, he may of never had the chance to know life as it once was. He may have never had the chance to watch his daughter grow up. If President Trump had not won the election, he would be forced to watch the downfall of America from within the confines of his prison cell. On January 20th, Ethan “Rufio” Nordean would get the call to pack up his belongings and exit the front door of Coleman Federal Prison in central Florida. He was being granted clemency. Help Rufio with his mission here: GiveSendGo | Ethan’s Journey Across America Nothing will ever be the same for We The J6ers. This goes double when your mind must accept the reality of a wrongfully imposed, long term sentence like that of Nordean. Instead of being a victim, Ethan has recognized his calling and mission to Make America Proud Again. He sets fourth across the great United States not only to combat the false narratives told by Main Stream Media about patriots like him but his brothers, our President and his country through the lens of a camera. Demonized for being a Proud American, devoted to masculinity and never being afraid to stand up for the constitution of the United States, Ethan sets out to set the record straight on who he is, what American men stand for and who the Proud Boys really are. Across the terrain of this great nation, Ethan will be live steaming his journey from Washington State all the way to the southern tip of Florida. His goal is to counter the false narratives of conservative men who love this country and what’s been so wrongfully told. Support this American project here: GiveSendGo | Ethan’s Journey Across America Ethan seeks to tell the real story of American patriotism and individuals like him who will stand up for this nation versus the negative framing of far left media pundits who demonize him and all of America’s strongest supporters. Complete with interviews, podcasts, one on one conversations with not only J6ers but everyday people. Nordean will be opening letters and reading them live from the people whom wrote to him while he layed locked in a prison cell.Never knowing he would one day be free to speak to the public at large again. This organic, raw point of view will be not only an intimate tell all but will give viewers a first hand account of truth vs lies. Will you join Ethan on this mission? Ethan’s life has been destroyed more than most by this corrupt regime that has finally left the position of power. Yet he can not sit still while limited time remains to collect the hearts and minds of his fellow Americans that have yet had an opportunity to see what’s real versus what’s not. Bear witness to a never before seen account of the Proud Boys, American Men and how the main stream media got it deliberately so wrong. Help Ethan with this important mission:

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