SMT Digital Devil Saga 2 playthrough part 7 PCSX2

1 month ago

Sure wish I had the leeway to properly prepare my last remaining 3 party members before I fought the boss in this video.

Yeah, yeah, Serph is back... but knowing that I already know what's going to happen later, since I already cleared the game 2 decades ago, is a small comfort considering what you are about to lose. I already forgot about this boss's capabilities and the countermeasures that I need to fight it.

Oh and this the point in the game where the hidden bosses start showing up in the dungeons that you have already cleared. From what I can still recall, they are no simple pushovers and require thorough prep time and well stocked item supplies... on which what I will be doing after this recording.

Mind you that I'm playing this on Hard mode for a first playthrough (well, RE-visit). Normal mode is already tough enough as it is.

That video will be for next week's showcase.

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