Chris Scott Whistle Stop Cafe | Burger Flipper or Revolutionist?

1 month ago

Chris Scott from the famed Mirror Alberta, Whistle Stop Cafe took some time out of his hectic schedule to share his story with me.

He is the small town Alberta man that stood up to the mandates and the government BS during Convid, when they said he had to shut his business for the "flu". He professes to not be anyone's hero, just a guy who had enough and knew that if he shut down, he was done.

He mentions thinking about the stories of families torn apart and how he would deal with that situation if it happened to him, as a catalyst for his shift in attitude.

Chris has his own podcast called The Chris & Kerry Show and he has had some amazing guests during the roughly 2+ years that he has been doing it.

Chris seems to be one of those great Albertans. He supports the Alberta Prosperity Project and is committed to exposing the bad actors in the shadows.



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