MR. NON-PC: Black Pedophiles

1 month ago

Mannn ohhh mannn, here in the M🤡PEYW🌍RLD you all have probably noticed since the advent of the BLM Buttsuckin' Era in 2020 that the amount of "corporate blackface" has been off the scale! But also too you've been seeing the amount of black ultra-violence and hypersexuality skyrocket as well.

Now I know if you're a fellow white, then you'll also notice that over the past 25 years that the Helter-Skelter-Race-Baiting/White/Straight and Christian-Hating Media has been working overtime to try to portray white men as "Pedophiles" or most recently "idiots" in the latest Lamestream TV ads.

In this video I'm gonna point out how more prevalent the issue is with black pedophiles, and how the media DOESN'T want the average normie or PC-PEEP to catch on to this disturbing category.

Jack the Barbershop Guy and Officer John over at the Denial Deceit and Delusion Podcast had a story a little while back that inspired me to come up with this subject. There was a horrific story of a black pastor (see link below⬇️) and how he had been raping a niece around 600 times from the time she was 14-17 years old. And it came to a point where she became impregnated, and was forced to give birth inside of a closet, and later they dropped the newborn baby off in front of the fire station.

This is one of MANY disturbing incidents that involve these black pedophiles, and the PC-PEEPZ need to start waking up to how common these types of incidents really are!

Trial coming for Houston pastor accused of raping, impregnating young family member

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